Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Estelle looked at Magdalen in shock, thinking to herself that after breaking up with Morrison, Magdalen must have had a belly full of anger, and today, the war had finally involved her,

Marya knew Estelle and confidently grinned, “I can’t speak for others, but for Ms. Macclain, half an hour is more than enough.”

Magdalen nodded, “It has to be love at first sight level!”

Marya flashed an OK sign, “Leave it to me!”

Estelle was speechless.

Half an hour later, Estelle sat in front of her dressing table, watching Marya trying several diamond necklaces on her, seemingly unable to decide which one looked best.

Estelle pushed her hand away, “Don’t bother, I’m not used to wearing necklaces.”

Magdalen leaned against the table, tilting her head and mused, “My Ella has pretty collarbones, a necklace would cover them.”

Marya quickly agreed, “less in more!”

-Magdalen picked a pair of delicate pink diamond earrings from the jewelry box and put them on

Estelle, “That’ll do!”

Marya’s eyes lit up, she exclaimed, “Perfect!”

Magdalen looked her up and down, very satisfied with Estelle’s transformation.

Estelle’s hair was already great, so Marya just added a tassel hairpin behind her ear, barely noticeable but adding a touch of playfulness, the off-the-shoulder dress accentuated her delicate collarbones and made her slender neck look even longer.

Marya paired the outfit with a simple pair of flats – perfect for everyday wear, yet highlighting all of Estelle’s best features.

Magdalen, very pleased, gave Marya a big hug and pulled Estelle out the door.

It was already dark outside, and Estelle found herself in the car again, asking Magdalen, “Where exactly are we going dressed like this?”

Magdalen started the car and grinned back, “We’re going for a blind date!”

Estelle went along without any further questions, she would cooperate even if Magdalen really was taking her to a blind date!

Magdalen took her to the Blue Oasis club, with the first-floor disco pumping out loud music and people dancing wildly inside.

As they headed up to the third floor, two guys walked towards them – one was a mixed-race, handsome guy who greeted Magdalen warmly.

Upon getting closer, Magdalen introduced him to Estelle, “Meet my classmate from M Country, Kevin, and my cousin from my uncle’s side, Erik.”

She then introduced Estelle to Kevin, “My best friend: Estelle!”


Kesin smiled at Estelle, his eyes crinkling, and politely said, “Tve always heard about you from Magdalen You are even more beautiful in person than she described,”

Estelle gave slight smile in return, shook his hand, and quickly let go.

Kevin gestures for them to go ahead, chuckling, “I booked a private room for us, we were waiting for the two of you

Erik appeared shy, looking like he just graduated from college. He stuck by Magdalen’s side but couldn’t help stealing glances at Estelle

The four of them headed towards the private room when suddenly, someone called out from behind, “Estelle?”

Estelle turned, startled.

Several people were approaching, led by Jonathan and Yvonne, flanked by Charlie, Josiah, Carson, and the likes.

It was Charlie who had called out to her.


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