Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Estelle suddenly remembered that earlier today at Jonathan’s house, Yvonne mentioned calling Charlie to invite him to a party tonight. She didn’t expect to bump into him at Blue Oasis.

She had to stop and greet him with a smile, “Charlie!

Jonathan looked at the girl a few steps away, and his heart skipped a beat. His gaze deepened, and then he slightly frowned. He rarely saw her wearing a skirt, and she looked great, but weren’t her shoulders a bit too exposed?

Especially in a place like this, men passing by couldn’t help but steal glances at her, which pissed him off!

Yvonne, wearing a hat and mask, gracefully smiled, “Ms. Macclain is here with friends too. What a coincidence!”

Estelle nodded slightly.

Josiah glanced at Estelle and then at Jonathan, wondering if they had broken up now that Yvonne was back.

Magdalen’s eyes swept over Yvonne and Jonathan, and she said with a smile, “Mr. Lamont and Mr. - James, great to see you!”

Jonathan nodded indifferently, “Ms. Sampson, nice to see you.”

Magdalen laughed, “Since we all know each other, how about we hang out together?”

Estelle frowned at Magdalen, wondering what she was up to.

Charlie looked at Jonathan and laughed, “Of course, we can have more fun!”

“Well, then we should join your room!” Magdalen said with a bright smile, linking arms with Estelle.

Charlie’s private room was at the end of the hallway, Magdalen and Estelle walked behind, and Estelle glared at her, “Don’t cause any trouble!”

“Who’s causing trouble?” Magdalen raised her eyebrows innocently. “Who’s that woman with Jonathan? What is she hiding behind that mask? Does she have something to hide?”

Estelle whispered, “It’s Yvonne.”

Magdalen’s eyes widened, “The celebrity Yvonne who has a wealthy background??”

“Yup!” Estelle’s gaze fell on the woman walking side by side with Jonathan.

Magdalen scoffed, “What’s Jonathan thinking? He’s got a new lover, and he’s ditching the old one?”

Estelle’s eyes were calm and quiet as she replied, “No, the woman by his side is his old love.”

“Huh?” Magdalen widened her eyes and then sneered disdainfully, “Men are all big liars! You need a new lover too. You can choose between Kevin and my cousin. I know them both well, and even if they can’t compare to Jonathan, they won’t be too bad!”

Estelle turned her head away, ignoring her.

As they chatted, the group entered the room. The private room was a large suite, about 200 square


meters, including a leisure area, a gaming area, and a resting area, with a nice layout.

There were already people in the room. They had arrived early and were playing poker while waiting for Jonathan and the others.

Upon entering everyone introduced themselves and took their seats. Yvonne also removed her hat and mask, and sat down beside Jonathan. She turned to offer a warm, elegant smile, “What would you like to drink?”

Various drinks and snacks were arranged on the table.

Magdalen looked up with feigned surprise, ‘No wonder you look familiar-you’re the famous actress! I’m a fan! Can I have your autograph?”

Yvonne smiled generously, “Of course! Since we all know each other now, let’s all be friends.”

Magdalen smiled warmly and sincerely, “You’re so down-to-earth. I remember you used to mainly work overseas. I heard you were shooting a film overseas not long ago. Have you finished the movie? Aren’t you going back overseas?”

Yvonne replied politely, “No, I’ll be developing my career in our country from now on and not going abroad anymore.”

Magdalen asked, “Why come back so suddenly? Is it because you’re getting older and want to come back and get married?”


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