Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Jonathan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of The Sailing Hotel, looking at the night view outside, his eyes seemed to have soaked in the darkness of the night.

“Mr. Lamont!” Chuck came over, “Jeremy Hearn’s son is here!”

Jonathan turned around and followed him back to the private room. The host today was Falcon Corporation’s boss, Jeremy, who had specifically asked his son, Malloy Hearn, to come and meet Jonathan.

As soon as Malloy entered, there was a woman beside him. When she saw Jonathan, her face went pale, and she looked flustered.

The woman was Hattie.

Malloy was a fan of Hattie and was aggressively pursuing her. He visited her on set during the day and sent her late-night snacks. The entire crew knew that he spoiled

Hattie to the extreme.

Hattie had always been ambiguous about her attitude. She knew the Hearns were wealthy, so she dared not offend Malloy, but she was somewhat unwilling to accept him. After all, Malloy was not on the same level as Jonathan.

Moreover, she didn’t directly reject him because of her vanity. Having such a generous and good- looking guy chase after her all day long made her feel good.

Perhaps it was because of her lukewarm attitude that made Malloy even more fascinated with her.

Today, Malloy said he would take her to meet his father. Hattie reluctantly followed, not expecting to bump into Jonathan.

Jeremy knew Hattie was an actress under Lamont Group’s entertainment company, so he gave Hattie full of respect in front of Jonathan, and kindly asked her what she wanted to drink.

Hattie glanced at Jonathan, wishing she could hide under the table.

But Malloy deliberately showed off their relationship in front of everyone, taking care of Hattie, which made her feel even more awkward. At this moment, she hated Malloy’s attentiveness even more.

There were also two other company bosses there, who were flattering and toasting to Jonathan.

Jonathan drank several glasses of wine without changing his expression. His eyes were as calm and deep as ever.

The gathering lasted late into the night. Jonathan showed no signs of being drunk, but he knew he was a little tipsy, so he didn’t go back to the old house. Instead, he asked Millard to book a room for him at the hotel.

Hattie saw that Jonathan didn’t leave but went up the stairs, so she waited at the elevator for a while and saw the elevator stop at the 45th floor.

She accompanied Malloy downstairs, then said, “Amy said she would pick me up to discuss tomorrow’s schedule, you can go first!”

Malloy thought Hattie was willing to be with him since she was willing to meet his father. He was disappointed, “Why work so late? Didn’t you always say you wanted to take care of your skin and not stay up late?”

Hattie stared with her innocent big eyes, “I spent the whole day with you today, so I could only squeeze in work time at night.”

Although moved, Malloy didn’t want to leave just like that. He smiled, “How about this? We’ll get a room in the hotel, and I’ll wait for Amy with you. That way, you won’t waste time on the road.”

Hattie hesitated and said, “Your father’s car is still outside. How will it look if we just go upstairs? How about you wait for me downstairs for a while? I’ll go up and talk with Amy, and then I’ll come down.”

Malloy laughed, “Alright then!”

Hattie nodded at Malloy, walked while calling Amy, “I’m at The Sailing Hotel, come straight up, and we’ll get a room to talk in.”

After hanging up the phone, she glanced at Malloy sitting on the couch, waiting for her, and quickly walked towards the lobby. She whispered to the receptionist, “Hello, can you book a room for me? I want a suite on the 45th floor, and please send up some late-night snacks.”

Moments later, Hattie put on a face mask, grabbed her room card, and headed upstairs.


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