Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

Emily grabbed a blanket to cover him and put a pillow under his head.

When she returned to the dining room, she had no appetite for the food she had prepared.

When Charlie woke up again, it was already midnight, and the room was pitch black. He called out subconsciously, “Emily!”

He suddenly sat up, feeling a bit dizzy, and the blanket on him slipped onto the floor.

He sat on the sofa for a while, feeling much better, although his head still a little stuffy.

He went back to the living room and saw the kitchen light was on. Emily had dozed off at the dining table with her computer in front of her and a stack of reports beside her.

He checked the time – it was already 11 p.m. He walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, “Emily! Wake up and go sleep in your room!”

Emily lifted her head, her left cheek red from resting on her arm, and looked at him groggily, which made him find cute.

“Charlie,” Emily began, “you’re awake? Are you feeling better?”

Her concern showed as soon as she was fully awake.

Charlie smiled, “I feel much better. It’s late, you should go to sleep!”

Emily stood up, “You haven’t eaten yet. Let me heat up the food, then you can eat and take another dose of medicine. You’ll be okay by tomorrow morning!”

Charlie followed her to the kitchen, “Have you eaten?”


Emily tidied up the computer and reports from the dining table and went back to the kitchen to serve the food she had warmed earlier.

“I made you lighter meals since you have a cold,” Emily explained while preparing the food.

Charlie leaned lazily against the kitchen door, watching her busy herself.

The dim lamplight at night made the scene feel especially serene and warm.

He gazed at her face and chuckled, “If my future wife is as considerate and virtuous as you, I’ll be satisfied.”

Emily turned off the stove and casually replied, “Your wife doesn’t need to be virtuous. With servants in your family taking care of everything, she just needs to be pretty!”

Charlie raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, you’re right!”

Emily carried the food to the kitchen, “Go wash your face, it’ll make you feel better and give you an appetite for dinner.”

Charlie gave a gentle riod, “Okay!”

At midnight, the two sat across from each other in silence, eating their meal.

Maybe it’s because he was sick, Charlie was particularly obedient today, listening and eating carrots instead of meat.

Seeing him so compliant, Emily felt a strange sensation and suddenly remembered the scene of him sucking her fingers, her heart racing.

She ate her meal in silence, not saying a word.

After dinner, Emily gave Charlie another dose of medicine and told him to go to bed early.

Back in his room, Charlie was wide awake, playing video games for a while. When he went to get a drink, he noticed that the light was still on in Emily’s room.

He walked slowly over and saw through the slightly opened door that Emily, wearing her pajamas, was still checking the reports on her computer.

He frowned but didn’t disturb her, going back to his room after having some water.


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