Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

The next morning when Emily woke up, Charlie had already ordered breakfast. Seeing her come out, he turned and said, “Sleep a bit more, and then go to the company with me.”

The morning sun shone on the man, as if covering him with a layer of golden soft light.

Emily asked, “How do you feel?”

“No big deal now, your medicine really works,” Charlie laughed.

Emily said, “It’s just ordinary cold medicine.”

She took a deep breath, “It smells so good! I’ll go wash my face and come out to eat breakfast right away!”

“Alright, go ahead!”

After washing up and changing her clothes, Emily came out to see six or seven types of breakfast on the table, shocked, she said, “Why so many?”

“I didn’t know what you like, so I asked them to order a few more,” Charlie explained gently as he poured her some milk.

“There’s no way the two of us can eat all this. I’ll ask if Estelle has had breakfast yet,” Emily said, taking out her phone to call Estelle.

Estelle quickly came downstairs and entered the door, looking at Charlie in surprise.

Why was Charlie here early in the morning? Had he spent the night here again after eating late–night) food?

Charlie greeted her naturally, “Good morning, Estelle. Come have breakfast with us!”

Seeing him so candid, Estelle thought her worries were unnecessary.

After the three of them had breakfast, Estelle went to class, and Charlie took Emily to the company.

When Emily went to her department, she first sent the checked report from yesterday to Rachel.

Rachel had originally thought that Emily would definitely not be able to complete the task given to her. She wanted to scold Emily in front of everyone in the office, but to her surprise, Emily actually completed it.

Unable to find an excuse to reprimand Emily for the time being, she decided to let it slide.

After all, Emily was working under her, so she’d find her mistake sooner or later!

On Friday night, Carson sent a message in the WhatsApp group they’d created, saying there would be a gathering on Saturday afternoon at his villa on Sunset Street.

Andrew and others responded in kind.

However, there wasn’t much movement from Estelle’s side: Magdalen and Morrison had reconciled and were inseparable, so they definitely wouldn’t be available to attend.

Kevin had returned to M Country, so he wouldn’t be able to come either.

Yvonne specifically asked in the group if Estelle was coming.

Five minutes later, Estelle replied, “Sorry, I can’t make it on Saturday afternoon. Have fun, everyone!”

Yvonne thoughtfully looked at the phone screen, and then asked Charlie for Estelle’s number, giving

her a call.

Upon answering, Estelle was surprised to hear Yvonne’s voice.

Yvonne spoke gracefully, “Estelle, you have to come!”

Estelle said lightly, “I’m busy this weekend, I’m afraid I can’t make it!”

Yvonne said, “Estelle, I apologize first. After our last gathering, I told Charlie that you’re still a student and might not be suitable for their kind of luxurious gatherings. Jonathan got mad at me because of that. So this time, you have to come, otherwise, I’ll be the sinner.”

Estelle hesitated for a moment and said, “It’s okay, I can explain to Mr. Lamont.”

Yvonne hurriedly chuckled, “No need to explain, I know his temper. But if you don’t come, I’ll feel guilty. I really like you, I only said that for your sake, and I didn’t mean anything else. If you don’t come, it means you’re blaming me!”

Estelle remained silent, not wanting to see Jonathan on Saturday afternoon.

“Estelle, are you really mad at me?” Yvonne softened her tone.

Estelle hesitated and replied, “No!”

“I’ll pick you up on Saturday afternoon. Where do you live? If you’re not available, I’ll ask Carson to change the gathering to Sunday.”

Unable to refuse any longer, Estelle said calmly, “I’ll arrange my schedule and try to make it on Saturday!”


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