Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Estelle stayed in the hospital till evening. When Gina brought dinner, she then got up and left.

On her way back home by subway, Jonathan also came home.

Jonathan asked about Emily’s condition, and Estelle told him about Yvonne’s visit to the hospital.

“You did the right thing by not letting Emily accept it, so there won’t be any misunderstandings later, but the Sullivan family might blame you!” Jonathan said.

Estelle followed, “I think Emily’s sister–in–law didn’t seem very happy.”

“Crystal?” Jonathan frowned and said softly, “Just let Emily be more careful herself.”

Estelle said calmly, “Today in the hospital, I saw that she was quite nice to Emily.”

Jonathan held Estelle on his lap, gently kissing her cheek. In a contemplative manner, he murmured, “You can’t judge people solely based on their outward appearance.”

Estelle was momentarily speechless, her mind clouded by his words. She found herself unable to continue the conversation, closing her eyes in response.

Jonathan cupped her chin, kissing her tenderly, while consciously suppressing his lingering desires from the previous night.

The next day, Emily insisted on being discharged, her wounds were all superficial, and the one on her palm was a little serious, but there was no need to stay in the hospital any longer.

Gina tried to persuade her for a long time, but Emily refused. Gina finally asked Elliott to handle the discharge procedures.

When Emily was discharged, no one was informed. They took a taxi back to the Royal Mansion.

When they walked in, Crystal was shocked, pulled Elliott aside and whispered, “Your mom said she didn’t give Emily the money from selling the house. How did Emily have the money to rent such a nice place?”

“I don’t know, and even if my mom gave Emily the money, it’s normal,” Elliott whispered back.

“Don’t tell me that, I just want to know if your mom gave her the money for the house sale or not!” Crystal’s tone was both urgent and harsh.

Gina came out of the bathroom, seeing the two talking on the balcony, she asked, “What are you talking about?”

Crystal turned to speak but was pulled by Elliott’s arm.

Crystal wore a curious smile as she asked Emily, “Emily, how much do you pay for rent here?”

Seated on the sofa, Emily replied, “This is Charlie’s place, so I don’t have to pay rent!”

Crystal’s eyes widened in astonishment. “You get to live in such a nice place for free?”

Emily felt a touch of awkwardness. “Yeah, I initially planned to stay for just a few days, but after our own place was sold, I had nowhere else Charlie agreed to let me stay.”

Gina chimed in, “We must express our gratitude to him!”


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Crystal’s heart felt sour with envy, looking around the luxurious house, “Rich people are so generous! I wouldn’t even dare to dream of such a house, letting others live in it without a care.”

Elliott smiled, “That’s the difference between rich people and us. No use being envious! I’m gonna help mom cook in the kitchen, you stay with Emily.”

Crystal’s eyes twinkled, “I’ll do the cooking, let Emily taste my cooking skills too.”

Elliott was pleased to see Crystal being so sensible, “Okay, you do it, I’ll go check out the robot in the living room. It scared me when it spoke earlier.”

She playfully glared at him and said, “Go!”

Heading to the kitchen, Crystal washed the vegetables while occasionally glancing outside. She leaned towards Gina and said, “Mom, Emily can’t cook because of her injured hand, so why don’t I stay and take care of her for a few days?”


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