Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

When Estelle returned to the Royal Mansion, it was already dark. She had just stepped into the entrance hall when she received a call from Jonathan. “Where are you?”

“I’m at home,” Estelle replied while changing her shoes.

“What did you do this afternoon?”

“I went out for a bit.”

Jonathan immediately asked, “What for?”

“I’ll tell you after I get back!” Estelle laughed.

Jonathan chuckled, “I’ll be back later. I’ve ordered dinner for you. Make sure to eat everything and don’t be picky!”

“Okay!” Estelle agreed.

Jonathan: “Be good, I’ll go back as soon as I finish socializing.”


After hanging up, Estelle went to take a shower. When she came out, the doorbell rang – Jonathan’s dinner order had arrived.

It was still the hotel delivery staff. They placed the food boxes on the table in the dining room, politely wished Estelle an enjoyable meal, and then left.

Estelle dried her hair and sat down to eat. When she opened the food box, she understood why Jonathan had told her not to be picky.

He ordered several dishes. Though they looked delicious, none of them were spicy.

Suddenly, Estelle missed Emily and the spicy dishes she used to cook, so she called her up.

“Estelle!” Emily exclaimed cheerfully.

“Why are you so happy?” Estelle asked with a smile.

“I went to work today and helped my supervisor revise a design draft. He said I did an excellent job.” Emily’s voice was filled with excitement.

“You’re really amazing!” Estelle complimented, “You have a real talent for this kind of thing!”

“TH definitely work even harder!”

After chatting and laughing for a while, Emily said, “Estelle, Yvonne came to see me during lunch break today. She wanted me to issue a letter of apology to stop pursuing Nora Frey. She said I could ask for anything I wanted, but I didn’t agree.”

“You were the one who got hurt. Don’t worry about how others feel; just do what you think is right.” Estelle advised.

“I know. I will never forgive them!” Emily’s voice was cold. Even now, she still dreamed of that dark private room

Estelle took a sip of soup and asked, “Have you had dinner?”

“I just went downstairs and bought some fast food. I’m about to eat.”

“Mathilda hasn’t bothered you again, has she?”

Emily hesitated, “No.”

“Then hurry back and eat!”

“Okay, I’m almost there!”

a kind of despair she’d never forget.

After hanging up, Emily carried her fast food and went upstairs. When she reached her apartment, she heard some very loud noises inside. Frowning, she unlocked the door and was greeted by the smell of alcohol and cheap perfume.

There was a group of people dining and partying in the living room, with trash and empty bottles everywhere. Both men and women were present, all sporting different hair colors. When they saw Emily enter, the men purposely stirred things up, and everyone’s eyes were on her.

Emily quickly headed for her room and locked the door behind her.

Ever since she moved in, the scene had been like this every night. Emily had grown used to it. She took out her fast food and began eating at her desk.

After dinner, she opened her laptop and checked some data, all while enduring the noise outside.

Around 10 pm, she went to the bathroom to take a shower. She didn’t dare put on her PJs and quickly returned to her room.


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