Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

She went back to her room, locked the door, and changed into her pajamas before getting ready to sleep.

Her sleep was pretty good, probably because she had already adapted to this kind of environment, and she fell asleep quickly.

The Royal Mansion

When Jonathan came back, Estelle was still awake, sitting on the balcony sofa and reading a book.

Jonathan carried her to bed, kissed her for a while, and whispered, “Wait for me, I’m gonna take a shower.”

Estelle nodded and kissed him on the chin.

Jonathan had been waiting for a few days, his voice hoarse, “I’ll be back soon!”

He got up and left, Estelle put down the book, dimmed the bedside lamp a bit, and lay down waiting for him to come back.

In less than ten minutes, Jonathan came out of the bathroom, pounced on the bed, pinched her chin, and kissed her wildly,

As the clock neared one o’clock, Estelle nestled in Jonathan’s arms, her eyelids heavy with drowsiness. She murmured softly, her eyes still closed, “I have to go to work on Monday.”

Jonathan squinted in curiosity, “An internship?”



“Snowy Studios, as a designer assistant,” she replied.

Jonathan’s surprise was evident on his face, “A designer? I thought that wasn’t your major.”

“No, I just had an interest in design, so I thought I’d give it a try for a while,” Estelle explained.

Jonathan held her closer, enveloping her in his embrace, “Did you have an interview today? Why did you choose Snowy Studios?”

“I heard they were hiring assistants, and since I have nothing to do lately, I thought I’d take a chance,” Estelle said. “It won’t interfere with my classes at Henson.”

Jonathan expressed his concern, “Won’t it be too exhausting for you?”

“Not at all.” Jonathan looked down at her, his eyes filled with affection.

On Sunday afternoon, Estelle called Emily to meet up in the evening.

Emily was working on an engineering animation on her computer and checked the time. It was still early, so she planned to finish and then wash up and change


As the sky gradually darkened, Emily took her clothes and went to the bathroom outside.

Mathilda and her boyfriend were in the living room, kissing on the couch. Mathilda wore only her underwear, not caring that Emily, her roommate, was in the house.

Emily immediately turned her head away and pretended not to see anything, rushing into the bathroom.

Once inside, she discovered the door lock was broken. She figured the couple in the living room wouldn’t come, but she was still worried. She moved a chair with a basin of water on it behind the door.

John, Mathilda’s boyfriend, glanced towards the bathroom, pushed Mathilda away playfully, and chuckled, “I ran out of cigarettes. Can you do me a favor and go downstairs to get a pack?”

Mathilda declined, “Why don’t you go?”

“Remember you mentioned wanting to lose some weight? This could be a good opportunity,” John teased as he nudged Mathilda. “Come on, walking can be considered exercise. Plus, you can grab some dinner on the way back!”

Reluctantly, Mathilda got up, put on a T–shirt, casually brushed her hair back, and headed out.

As soon as Mathilda left, John locked the door behind her. His eyes concealed with hidden intentions, he made his way towards the bathroom.


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