Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Estelle clung tightly to Jonathan’s clothes, feeling a mix of emotions as she wanted nothing more than to hold him close.

After a long moment, Jonathan whispered into her ear, “Your place or a hotel?”

In a low voice, Estelle replied, “Hotel.”

With a smile, Jonathan scooped her up into his arms and walked towards his car.

Feeling somewhat shy, Estelle struggled to get down but luckily it was the middle of the night and no one was around to notice


After getting into the car, Jonathan smiled and asked, “How did you explain this to grandpa?”

Blinking innocently, Estelle replied, “I snuck out!”

Laughing, Jonathan asked, “What if he comes looking for you?”

Estelle said with a serious expression, “He won’t. He sleeps like a log. I’ll sneak back in tomorrow morning.”

Jonathan playfully ruffled her hair and said, “If you get caught, just bring me back with you.”

Shaking her head, Estelle replied, “No, he’ll lock you up and force us to get married.”

Jonathan laughed, “Wow, really? What a deal!”

Estelle glared at him before turning her gaze back to the car window. Her eyes were filled with happiness.

Once they entered the hotel, Jonathan booked a suite. As soon as they got in, he couldn’t wait to press Estelle against the wall.

As the two passionately kissed and made their way to the bedroom, Estelle grabbed his hand and panted, “You’ve been driving for so long, don’t you want to rest for a bit?”

Jonathan’s eyes darkened as his hand tightened around her waist. He stared intently at her and asked, “Did you miss me?”

Their eyes met, and Estelle slowly nodded. “Yes”

Jonathan tenderly caressed her eyebrows, then down to her chin before leaning in to shower her with kisses. “When I can’t see you, I can’t wait to be with you. And when I’m with you, I can’t help but want you endlessly!”

Estelle shivered, her eyes closed as she surrendered herself to his touch.

She felt like she had barely slept a wink when she opened her eyes and realized it was already morning

With a slight movement, Jonathan immediately pulled her into his embrace and kissed her shoulder with his eyes still closed.

Facing him, Estelle whispered, “I need to get back.”

Jonathan slowly opened his eyes, his gaze filled with satisfaction and laziness. “Do you have to leave now?”

Estelle nodded, “Yes,”

He held her in his arms and pouted, “After spending the night with me, you’re just going to abandon me like this? Evil!”

Estelle giggled at his tone and playfully patted his broad shoulders, reassuring him, Tll be back soon.”

Feeling slightly better, Jonathan asked, “When are you coming back? Let’s go back to J City together.”

Estelle thought for a moment before replying, “This afternoon!”

Jonathan’s expression soured again. This afternoon? You want me to wait that long?”

“I promised Grandpa I’d leave in the afternoon.”

-Unyielding. Jonathan whined, “No way! I want to see you by lunchtime at the latest!”

Unable to resist his charm, Estelle compromised, “Fine, after I have lunch with my grandpa, I’ll come find you.”

Jonathan knew when to quit, and nodded in agreement. “Can you drive? Take my car and come here. I’ll wait for you, and we’ll head back together.”

“Okay!” Estelle agreed.

Jonathan held her close again, kissing her for a while before finally letting her go to freshen up and get dressed.

While taking a shower, Estelle suddenly remembered something she had told Magdalen when she first got together with Jonathan

that not all men were like Morrison.

It was indeed a little embarrassing to think about it now!


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