Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

When it was time to leave, Jonathan hugged Estelle for a bit longer, repeatedly telling her to come over at noon before letting her


Estelle got into the elevator, sighed, and saw her reflection on the mirror. Her lips were slightly swollen, her eyes were watery, and her face was flushed…

She went to the parking lot and drove Jonathan’s car to buy breakfast for her grandfather.

Though it was a bit late, she had to get breakfast anyway, or else she would be scolded even more.

When she returned home, her grandfather saw the breakfast she was holding and intentionally hummed with a cold face, “Is this lunch you got for me?”

Estelle felt a little embarrassed and laughed, “I didn’t have breakfast yet, so can you eat with me?”

Old Wade took the breakfast, laughed, and said, “he hasn’t eaten either. Been waiting for you!”

Old Mr. Jarvis snorted, I’m not waiting for her, I’m waiting for the breakfast she’s holding!”

Estelle stepped forward and held onto his arm, explaining. There were a lot of people at the restaurant, so I had to wait in line for a long time.”

Old Mr. Jarvis laughed and said, “Fine, it’s good that you came back. I was really afraid he would steal you away and not let me see you again.”

Estelle said, “How could that be?”

As the two walked toward the dining room, Old Mr. Jarvis asked, “Where is he?”

“In the hotel waiting for me!”

“Well, you should go after you eat, since your heart isn’t here while your body is trapped with me.”

Estelle laughed, “it’s okay, I told him I’d go to him after lunch”

“Why bother? Just bring him back home directly. If you’re worried about him knowing your past, I can explain it to him,” Old Mr.

Jarvis said.

Estelle thought for a moment and whispered, “Let’s wait a bit longer!”

Estelle and her grandfather had lunch before she packed her things and left.

When she came back, she brought a bunch of holiday gifts from others, and it was much easier for her to leave because she didn’t have any extra stuff.

Estelle bade farewell to her grandfather and Old Wade, saying she’d visit them when she had some free time.

Old Mr. Jarvis waved indifferently, “Go on, don’t worry about me. I’m comfortable all by myself at home.”

What he hated the most in his life was saying goodbye. He would rather have the person leaving say nothing at all.

Estelle nodded, asked Old Wade to take good care of her grandfather and himself before driving away from the old house.

When she returned to the hotel, she didn’t see Jonathan after entering the room.


Estelle shouted before walking into the bedroom.

“Mr. Lamont?”

From the bathroom, a man’s voice came, “Ella, can you hand me a towel?”

Estelle picked up a towel and walked into the bathroom.

She pushed the door open, handed the towel in, and before speaking, her wrist was grabbed and she was pulled in.

Estelle was momentarily stunned, suddenly remembering that their first meeting had been in a similar situation.

After so much had happened, they still ended up together!

Jonathan noticed Estelle’s dazed look, playfully nipped her lips and asked, “What are you thinking about?”

Estelle’s eyelashes were wet with water droplets as she hugged the man, her face resting against his chest, “I’m thinking about the first time we met!”



The man recalled the first time they met, jokingly eaying. At your school? Did you the me back then, is that why you were always following me around”

Estelle didn’t say anything hugging him tighter an

Jonathan took a breath placed his palm

“Ella, I love you!”


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