Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Estelle listened to them talk while gobbling down a plate of cakes. Bored, she leaned against the window and played games.

Hannah saw Mr. Mayfield take a call and head towards the corridor. She got up to follow him, wanting to ask for his thoughts on fashion design.

Watching Hannah leave, Alice turned to Carmella in a low voice, “Look, Ms. Sampson seems free now. Let’s go and meet her!” Carmella laughed lightly, “Sure!”

The two of them made up a random excuse to leave as well,

Miya watched Alice’s retreating figure and snickered quietly. She said to Inman, “She’s such a social climber among us. As a designer, in the end, it’s your work that matters most!”

Inman knew that Miya and Alice were good friends superficially, but they secretly looked down on each other, so she just smiled and said nothing

Carmella and Alice approached Magdalen. Carmella smiled and called out, “Ms. Sampson!”

Magdalen was chatting with some friends when she heard someone calling her name. She turned around, her eyes narrowing slightly. annoyance in her voice, “Yes? Can I help you?”

“Hello, Ms. Sampson. I’m Carmella!” Carmella greeted her sweetly and affectionately.

Magdalen looked coldly at her, “I don’t know you. What do you want?”

Carmella’s smile froze, unsure of what to do. Finally, she opted to tough it out, “We met at the charity auction a few days ago, remember?”

“What do you want? Just say it!” Magdalen said coldly.

Four or five people were standing around Magdalen, curiously watching Carmella and Alice. They looked at them with disdain, seemingly considering them as brown-nosers.

Alice looked a bit embarrassed and turned a questioning gaze to Carmella, who claimed had connections with Magdalen.

Carmella was also embarrassed, not expecting Magdalen to be so hard to talk to. Forcing a smile, she said, “You’ve misunderstood! This is my friend Alice. We both work at Snowy Studios. We saw you here and wanted to come over and say hi.”

Magdalen looked indifferent, “Well, you’ve said ‘hi’, haven’t you?”

Carmella’s face turned red with embarrassment, awkwardness, frustration, and confusion. It was true that she didn’t have any close relationship with Magdalen, but they had met before. Even as strangers, when she took the initiative to greet her, she shouldn’t be treated so coldly and humiliated!

She had the faint feeling that Magdalen had a strong hostility toward her. She thought carefully about their previous encounter but couldn’t recall where she might have offended her!

Whispers spread among the onlookers, their faces full of ridicule as they gossiped about Carmella.

She, too, was a daughter of the Macclain family, and had never been treated like this before. Carmella endured her anger and

further!” embarrassment, struggled to maintain her politeness, “It seems Ms. Sampson is busy, we won’t disturb you any

After signaling to Alice, they turned around and walked away.

As soon as Alice turned around, her face darkened, “You said you knew Ms. Sampson, right? And that she was greeting you earlier. But she doesn’t seem to know you at all!”

Carmella’s face was tight, “I’ve met her before, but I didn’t expect her to be so arrogantly overbearing.”

Alice complained in a low voice, “If I had known, I wouldn’t have even come over. So embarrassing!”

Carmella bit her lip, her face looking troubled. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Magdalen call out from behind them, “Wait a minute!”


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