Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Carmella stood still as Alice turned around, a smile appearing on her face in an instant. “Is there anything else, Ms. Sampson?” Magdalen came over, her cold demeanor changed to a warm smile. “Did you say you guys are from Snowy Studios?”

Alice immediately replied, “Yes!”

“Oh, you’re from the movie company! I’ve always been quite curious about your studio. How many of you are here? Can you introduce me to everyone?” Magdalen asked.

Carmella looked surprised, not knowing why Magdalen had suddenly changed her attitude.

Alice was flattered. “Of course, please follow me, Ms. Sampson!”

Magdalen didn’t look at Carmella, but took a step forward and left with Alice.

Carmella quickly followed them.

Hannah was not there, and Miya and Inman were chatting. Seeing Alice bringing Magdalen over, they stopped talking, looking a bit surprised.

Estelle was playing a game, and when she saw Magdalen’s glance, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

Alice introduced them all. “This is Mr. Langston’s fiancée, Ms. Sampson.”

Then, she introduced Inman and Miya separately.

Inman exchanged greetings with Magdalen with a smile, and Miya’s face was full of smiles too. “I designed the evening dress for Ms. Sampson before, but I haven’t seen you in person!”

“Really?” Magdalen chuckled, “I hope we can work together again in the future!”

Jessica joined the conversation, enthusiastically introducing herself, “Ms. Sampson, do you remember me? I measured you for your gown at Style Station.”

Miya glanced at Jessica, and lightly laughed.

Magdalen looked over, “It’s been a long time, so I kind of forgot. Are you a designer at Snowy Studios now?”

Jessica replied, “I just joined as a designer’s assistant.”

“Not bad!” Magdalen brightly smiled, her gaze falling on Estelle. “Is this young lady also from your studio?”

Inman immediately said, “Her name is Estelle, and she’s my assistant!”

She then spoke to Estelle, “Ella, come over, let me introduce you to Ms. Sampson.”

Estelle took a few steps forward with a faint smile and nodded, “Ms. Sampson!”

Magdalen’s smile became more gentle, and she remarked with admiration, “So you are Miss Inman’s assistant! You have great taste. Ms. Macclain is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She looks clever, talented, and has a unique charm. She must be beloved by


Estelle was speechless.

She suspected Magdalen was blatantly flirting with her!

Everyone else was stunned too, especially Carmella and Jessica, whose expressions looked a bit down.

Miya looked Estelle up and down – she admitted Estelle was beautiful, but how could Magdalen tell she was clever and extraordinarily talented?

Magdalen continued to praise, “Inman, I bet that your assistant will have a bright future!”

Inman remembered Estelle’s design drawings, and believed her a bit. She happily said, “Thanks for your praise on behalf of Ella!” Magdalen blinked her bright eyes, and laughed, “I have always believed in love at first sight. If I like someone at first glance, they must be great!”

She paused, and continued, “I heard that you are top-notch in jewelry design. Our company’s winter jewelry design is still undecided, so I’ll have my assistant contact you later. I hope we can work together!”


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