Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Estelle turned to Simone, “You guys brushed off Carmella’s lies and copycat acts before Did you think she was innocent and kind hearted?”

“Absolutely!” Simone answered quickly, “Carmella is truly kind hearted. She has been such a person since she was a child, and that’s why you bully her!” “Well, I’ll show you all her kindness sham”

After saying this, Estelle looked at Carmella, “Why did I hit you?”


Carmella wiped her tears. “How would I know why you suddenly got angry?”

Estelle told Simone and Bennett, “Remember her words and her look just now!”

Simone, her eyes full of impatience, asked, “What are you trying to say?”

Estelle pulled out her phone. Jonathan had just texted her, “Babe, why aren’t you back yet?

“Be back soon “Estelle replied.

Then she played a surveillance video from Blue Hawk on the‘ screen of the private box.

“This is the surveillance video from the corridor earlier. Watch for yourselves!”

The private boexes in the 9th Mansion mostly have LED screens that can project. Estelle hitting a switch on the wall, the curtain closed, the room darkened, and the projection became clearer.

From when Carmella and others met Xaviana, to the discussion about Estelle hitting someone years ago,

together with the standoff between Estelle and Carmella, everything was clearly displayed on the screen.

Carmella’s face turned pale. She nervously watched Simone’s reaction, little did she expect Estelle could get the surveillance video.

The 9th Mansion is very private where it is not allowed to let anyone see the surveillance footage. Where did Estelle get it?

Her heart raced, her scalp tingled, and she wanted to run!

Silence filled the room after the video ended.

Bennett looked at Carmella in disbelief, ‘Carmella, did you have someone hit Estelle then? You lied to us. Why would you do this?”

“Dad” Carmella cried out, stammering, “II”

Bennett looked disappointed, “I always trusted you. You even did this. What else have you done?”

“I didn’t, I didn’t! Carmella backed away in panic, knocking into the table, making the cups and plates in a mess.

“Carmella, your mom and I never thought we’d send you back after finding Estelle. We treated you like our own daughter, hoping you and Estelle could get along like real sisters. But You actually did this to exclude her. I’m really disappointed in you!”

Carmella didn’t say a word but crying.

“Carmella, Estelle was abused by your biological parents. She took your place…”


Simone suddenly cut off Bennett and stood in front of Carmella, Carmella is just a child. Do you want to kill her?”

“Mom!” Carmella grabbed Simone’s hand and cried.

Simone held her hand tightly and looked up at Estelle, “Estelle, what are you doing? Those things are in the past, why do you bring them up again? Do you really want us to kick Carmella out?”

Bennett frowned at Simone, ‘How can you talk about Estelle like that?”

Simone’s face was cold, “It seems like she planned this. She knew we were having dinner here today and deliberately brought a group of classmates to expose Carmella!”

Estelle’s gaze settled upon Simone, her heart serene. Perhaps due to emotionless expectations, she remained unfazed by Simone’s demeanor and favoritism. She retrieved her phone, her tone turning chilly.

“Don’t misunderstand. I never thought I could replace Carmella and get your motherly love! You asked me why I hit Carmella, right? I’m telling you now, I was avenging what happened four years ago! You can treat her fake kindness as reality. But you can’t expect me to bow to her!”

After saying this, Estelle looked at the weeping Carmella, ‘Stay away from me, or I’ll show you that I have a bad temper!”

Simone shielded Carmella behind her and glared at Estelle.


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