Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Estelle returned to the set, and in the afternoon when they had some free time, Craig bought some afternoon tea and invited Gwen to join them for a chill chat Gwen handed the biggest piece of cake to Estelle, took a sip of iced Americano, and sighed contentedly, “Heavenly!”

Craig chuckled at her, “Anything tastes heavenly when it’s not on your dime!”

Gwen shot him a wide-eyed look, “No fair!”

Estelle and Craig exchanged a look, both of them finding Gwen’s shamelessness amusing.

Gwen, quick on her feet, moved to sit next to Estelle, “Estelle, I’ve got this thing I can’t decide on, can you guys help?”

“What’s up?” Estelle turned to ask.

“My contract with my current agency is about to expire and they’re probably going to offer me a new one with better benefits Gwen frowned, clearly torn, “One of my classmates suggested I try out Firefly Media Group, but I’m not so sure.”

Estelle, not really familiar with the ins and outs of the entertainment industry, simply said, “If you want, you could give it a shot!”

Craig added, “After the movie, your worth will definitely increase. Your current agency will fight for more resources for you, but if you go to Firefly Media Group, with all their big shots, who knows when it’ll be your turn?”

“That’s what I was thinking.” Gwen propped her chin in her hand, “But my classmate said, staying in my current agency won’t lead me anywhere, maybe I should roll the dice with Firefly Media Group”

Craig suggested, “You could sign a shorter contract first, get your footing, and move to a larger platform when you’ve made a name for yourself.”

Gwen turned to Estelle, “Estelle, what do you think?”


Estelle raised an eyebrow, “Both Craig and your classmate have valid points, it’s up to you!”

Gwen pressed on, “What if it were you?”

Estelle thought for a moment, “I might go for the gamble!”

Gwen nodded, “I’ll think about it.”

After chatting for a bit more, Gwen and Craig left to get back to work.

As they left the production area, Gwen glanced back, disappointment creeping into her voice, “I thought Estelle would help me.”

Craig looked puzzled, “Help you with what?”

“Get into Firefly Media Group!” Gwen pouted, “Firefly Media is under the Lamont Group, and Estelle is dating President Lamont. If she puts in a good word, fd definitely get the contract easily, maybe even some good resources.”

“Wake up!” Craig tapped her on the head, “Mr. Lamont is Mr. Lamont, and Estelle is Estelle. Just because she’s dating Mr. Lamont doesn’t mean she can meddle in his business.”

“We’re friends, aren’t we supposed to help one another?” Gwen huffed, “Besides, President Lamont spoils Estelle If she asked, he wouldn’t refuse.”

“Look at you, always looking for the easy way out!” Craig scoffed, “Relying on others ain’t as good as relying on yourself

“Some people can work hard their whole life and never get to be the lead, but some just need a little connection and ride it to success. You’ve been in this industry for so long, don’t you understand?” Gwen retorted defiantly.

Craig replied, “Short-lived popularity may need connections and luck, but long-lasting success comes from talent! You just graduated, you should focus on improving your acting skills, learn more. Only when you’re well-prepared can you seize the opportunity when it comes, and go further!”

Gwen pondered over Craig’s words, then nodded, “You’re right, I won’t go to Firefly Media Group. I’ll stay in my current agency and work on my acting skills”

“That’s the spirit!” Craig grinned, “Don’t be in such a rush to get famous. When the audience recognizes you, that’s when it’s your time to shine.”

“Okay!” Gwen smiled, “I’ll take your advice!”

“And don’t hold this against Estelle, she would help if she could!” Craig reminded her.


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