Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

“Alright, enough with the bickering, it’s not what you guys think. Let’s drop the subject and talk about something else!“

“So, we won’t talk about that anymore. Estelle, you’re graduating from college this year, right? What’s your plan?” Gwen sensed that Estelle clearly didn’t want to discuss the topic.

Craig quickly changed the subject, Director Malcom is still thinking about you. He said if you don’t want to work after graduation, go find him!”

Is he reliable?”

“He’s alright. We’ve worked together quite a bit!”

1 think Estelle would have a bright future staying at Snowy Studios!”

Everyone chatted about their future plans. They laughed and joked, without mentioning anything about Estelle and Jonathan again.

When Estelle got home at night, she took a shower and went to the study to continue her wedding dress design.

Not long after, the evening breeze blew in. She had a bit of alcohol, and could only lazily sprawl on the table. Suddenly, she felt that everything around her was dull and boring.

She picked up her phone and casually flipped through it until she saw Jonathan’s WhatsApp

His profile only had one status. A picture of a rose, without any text. It was a photo she took on a whim that day

Estelle felt a sharp pain in her heart as she looked at the bright red rose. Times had changed. His love has changed and it had-only been a few months!

Her heart ached. Looking at the rose felt even more ironic.

She went to her profile and without hesitation, Estelle deleted the photo she posted

On the other side, Jonathan was also looking at the picture of the rose on his balcony. He stared at the photo, looking at the blurred background, when he suddenly noticed a peculiar table and bookshelf behind the rose

So where was Estelle when she took the photo? Just as Jonathan was about to zoom in for a closer look, the picture suddenly vanished.

Jonathan was stunned. When he went back to Estelle’s profile, it was empty! That’s when he realized that Estelle had deleted the photo.

He threw his phone away, feeling suffocated. Was she trying to cut ties with their past?

Thinking back to the bar, Estelle treated him like a stranger. She did not even give him a glance!

Love was indeed over when one party had moved on so easily!

It wasn’t until a day later that Yvonne took Josiah to meet Zack

Zack had booked a private room at the 9th Mansion. When they arrived, he said to Yvonne, 1 have some private matters to discuss with Josiah. It’s best if you don’t listen.“

Josiah was taken aback. He had only met Zack once. What secret matters could there be between them?

Yvonne pretended not to know, “What matters are you keeping from me?”

“It’s for your own good. You should go first”

“Alright then, I won’t disturb you guys. I have a magazine cover shoot anyway. I’ll be leaving now!!


After seeing Yvonne out and closing the door, Zack turned to Josiah and politely said. “Josiah, please sit.”

“Just say what you have to say”

“Since we’re all acquainted, I won’t beat around the bush. Yvonne mentioned that you’ve been operating in the border area and joined a special organization. Is this organization the Eagle Valley?


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