Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Mrs. Hanson gently wheeled Simon into the conference room, standing by his side she softly said, “Everyone’s here. They’ve missed you.”

Several of the company’s senior managers stood up upon seeing Simon’s frail state.

Simon, unable to speak, could only gaze upon his loyal employees. His eyes were filled with a complex mix of emotions, a tinge of sadness among them. He slowly

nodded his head.

Seeing Simon in this state, the top executives also felt a pang of sympathy and heaviness. They sat back down as Simon silently signaled them to do so. Yvonne walked up to Simon, holding his hand, she softly said, “Dad, I’ll make the company bigger and stronger after taking over. I won’t let you down. You and mom just enjoy your retirement.”

Simon’s gaze was muddy and slow; he didn’t respond to Yvonne’s words.

Yvonne and Mrs. Hanson exchanged glances before she stood up and addressed the lawyer present, Please read out the stock transfer agreement, and then Dad will nod to agree and sign.”

Simon was unable to sign, but a nod would indicate his agreement, and someone else could sign on his behalf

The lawyer read the agreement aloud and then asked Simon, “Did you sign this agreement of your own free will, in a calm and sober state?”

Simon remained expressionless, not nodding or giving any reaction.

Shareholders and senior managers began to whisper among themselves, frowning at Simon, beginning to doubt if he was being forced into this without his knowledge.

Yvonne subtly signaled Mrs. Hanson

Mrs. Hanson immediately leaned in, whispering, “Could you please you nod? We’ve discussed this at home already.” She then said something quietly into Simon’s


Simon reacted, turning to glare at Mrs. Hanson, his body trembling slightly

Mrs. Hanson quickly grabbed his hand, “Our daughter is all grown up now, she can carry your burden. You must be happy, right?”

The lawyer repeated his question.

Simon’s anger slowly turned into indifference, he just nodded.

“Good, please sign on the agreement The lawyer brought over the agreement, placing it in front of Simon. Someone held his hand to sign on the paper.

Just as the pen was about to hit the paper, the conference room door was kicked open

A cold, defiant man walked in, his voice hoarse, “Who dares to make my father sign without him speaking?”

Everyone froze, even Simon looked stunned at the tall man, a spark of life returned to his dull eyes.

“Mr. Gonzalez!” someone exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s Mr. Gonzalez!” The senior managers excitedly stood up, “Gonzalez, you’re finally back! Your father never believed you were dead, and we didn’t believe it either You’re finally back!”

Yvonne stared dumbfounded at Gonzalez. She knew he wasn’t dead, but she didn’t expect him to show up at this time!

Mrs. Hanson was even more shocked, looking at Gonzalez, “You must be an imposter!”

Xavier chuckled, “Need a paternity test on the spot?”

Mrs. Hanson turned to look at her daughter, and then at the Franco family, her face filled with disappointment and resentment!

This guy, he could’ve showed up earlier or later, but he chose this mo


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