Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

His words abruptly fell silent, and he turned his gaze to the distance, quickly wiping a corner of his eye.

In a deep voice, Gabriel said, “Over the years, I’ve been trying to keep her out of Triple business and stop her from seeking revenge on Wolverine. But she always finds a way to slip through my watch, relentlessly pursuing her goals. If it wasn’t for the people I sent who discovered that her subordinates were delivering

messages to her, she might have already ended up dead along with Wolverine by now”

Xavier smirked confidently. “If she goes after Wolf, I’d tag along and we’d be reunited!”

Gabriel shot him a glance, “You’re both as stubborn as mules!”

Xavier chuckled, “Can’t help it, the people you train all share the same traits!”

Gabriel let out a hearty laugh, giving Xavier a solid pat on the shoulder, “We managed to make it alive back then, thanks to Wolf and Bat giving up their lives. You better live on. I promise to cure Stella’s eyes!”

Xavier looked determined. “I trust you!”

After a moment of silence, Xavier spoke. “Stella and Jonathan have broken up.”

“I know!” Gabriel said, frowning. “Only she knows best when it comes to her and Jonathan.”

From the start, he found it strange that she suddenly wanted to marry Jonathan. After looking into Jonathan’s past, he understood. Despite his disagreement, he couldn’t stop her

“Was Jonathan involved in the Kulha Mountain incident?” Xavier asked coldly.

“It was him who let that guy in, but he didn’t know that the person being attacked was Stella,” Gabriel explained.

Xavier nodded. He could tell that Jonathan genuinely loved Stella. Even though they had broken up, he wouldn’t do anything excessive If Jonathan found out now that he almost killed Stella, how would he react?

“What’s the deal with Manley? Xavier asked.

Manley followed them all the way to Kulha Mountain and risked his life. After waking up in J City, he was unwilling to leave

Gabriel had noticed too, “My guess is that he’s into Stella!”

Xavier couldn’t help but laugh, “Our Stella is all grown up!”

Despite Manley seeming like a playboy, the fact that he was willing to go this far for Stella made him far better than Jonathan!

Gabriel then changed the subject. “I still have unfinished business and can’t stay here any longer. I’m leaving tonight and look for a way to cure her eyes. You take care of her for me!”

“Rest assured!” Xavier said earnestly, nodding.

He wouldn’t let anyone who hurt her off the hook!

Recently, a moderately sized news story shook up J City. Simon Hanson suddenly had a stroke. After two days of rescue, he was out of danger but was still in a coma. The Hanson family’s stocks hit the lower limit for several days in a row, and there was turmoil within the family.

Due to Simon’s coma, Mrs. Hanson took control of power again with the help of her relatives. She was hiding her husband’s condition while demanding that the shareholders’ meeting agree to her brother, Oliver, taking the position of general manager and controlling the company.

Over the years, Simon had been depressed because of his son, and his ability to manage the company was gradually weakening. There were factional disputes within the corporation, including the ambitious Franco family and the people who stood against the Franco family. They believed that Gonzalez Hanson was still alive and did not allow the relatives to monopolize power.

After Mrs. Hanson’s proposal was rejected, she consulted with the Franco family and decided to have Simon immediately write a will, transferring all his shares to his daughter, Yvonne

The shareholders could not determine Simon’s choices, but they also feared that Simon had fallen into the control of the Franco family and was being threatened Therefore, they demanded to see the chairman. Even if he could not speak, as long as he was conscious and agreed to transfer the shares to Yvonne, they could accept it

At the shareholders meeting that morning, Yvonne appeared on time. She was dressed in a fitted suit, looking both professional and carrying the elegance of the


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