Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Amiee turned her head away with her hands covering her eyes, while Estelle bent over laughing

A few of them played with Kya for a while, and then Estelle received a call from Manley, saying that he had arrived outside the Sapphire Hotel Charlie checked the time and said, “It’s time for me to leave too. I’ll say bye to Carson first and we’ll leave together.”

“Alright!” Estelle handed Kya over and waited for Charlie

Knowing that Estelle was leaving, Carson and his fiancé walked her out.

Outside the hotel, Manley was leaning against his car on the phone. He saw Estelle coming out, wrapped up his call quickly, and walked over.

“Daddy!” Kya saw Manley and reached out her little hands writing him to pick her up.

Manley immediately scooped up Kya, pinched her little cheek, gave a smile and then turned to Estelle with a tender look on his handsome face, “Let’s go back homel “Ok” Estelle nodded, turned around and said goodbye to everyone.

Charlie felt a bit uneasy hearing Kya call Manley Daddy’, but he was more concerned about Jonathan’s reaction

Whenever Manley would even just glance at Estelle, Jonathan would get all uptight, and now Estelle was leaving with him!

Everyone watched Manley holding Kya with one hand and holding Estelle with the other their feelings a mixed bag and they all shot a glance at Jonathan.

Jonathan was standing at the back of the crowd, his expression unreadable.

Manley purposefully looked at Jonathan, gave a slight smile, and opened the car door for Estelle with a gentle and considerate manner.

After Estelle got in the car, Manley handed Kya to her and then got into the driver’s seat

The unspoken understanding and warmth between the three of them felt just like a family,

Everyone watched from behind as Jonathan also headed towards his car. His tall and upright figure didn’t reveal any abnormalities.

Josiah looked downcast, held onto Amiee’s hand tightly and whispered, “Amiee, why does my heart ache so much?”

Amiee glanced at him, “Because you played a part in what happened today!”

Josiah frowned, “Do I have a chance to make up for it?

Amiee shook her head. “It might be too late already”

With Manley by Estelle’s side and Jonathan getting closer with Gwen, the two of them were heading in different directions, getting further and further apart, possibly never to return to the way things were

Everyone felt a bit sentimental. After watching Manley’s car leave, the crowd gradually dispersed.

The noise slowly faded into the tranquility of the night.

In the car, Kya was still chatting away with Manley, telling him about her new friend and how they played with bubbles

Manley patiently conversed with her occasionally looking over at Estelle, noticing her rubbing her eyes, seeming a bit tired.

“Are your eyes bothering you? Manley asked, frowning.

Estelle shook her head. “I’m fine, don’t worry”

Kya climbed over to Estelle, whispering Estelle, are you tired?”

Estelle gently held her, smiling. “Tm a bit sleepy, what about you?”

“I’m not sleepy at all! Kya shook her head firmly, then pulled a blanket over Estelle, and with her chubby little hand, gently patted Estelle’s shoulder, “Go to sleep, I stay with you

Estelle couldn’t help but laugh, reaching out to pinch her little nose, “How are you so adomble?” Hearing the praise, Kya immediately broke into a delighted smile, showing off her cute dimple.

Manley curiously asked. “How did you run into Charlie?

Estelle briefly recounted what happened in the afternoon

Manley asked with a smile, “Charlie didn’t suspect you anything, did he?


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