Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 950

Chapter 950

Chapter 950

Chapter 950

“Absolutely not!” Estelle shook her head. “He doesn’t know Kya in Emily’s kid, and even if he did he wouldn’t think Kya has anything to do with him

So, she felt relieved to let Charlie hang out with Kya: Even if someone jokingly said that Kya looked a lot like him, Charlie wouldn’t think too much into it Marley shook his head, sighing. “That’s really interesting

Estelle joked, “You sure you don’t have a secret love child somewhere?

Manley’s face changed, showing a horrified expression, “Absolutely not!”

“You don’t have much faith in yourself, do you?” Estelle continued to tease him.

Marley smiled, “Absolutely not, you can rest assured!”

Estelle raised an eyebrow then turned to look out the car window

Today, Emily had to stay in the hospital, and Estelle had to sleep with Kya. She was worned that Kya would not adapt, but who knew Kya would fall asleep on the road. When they got out of the car, Manley wrapped her in a blanket, carried her upstairs, and put her on the bed without waking Kya up

It seemed that she did play hard

Estelle helped her take off her shoes, change into pajamas, and wiped her face and hands and feet with a towel. She was still sleeping soundly.

Estelle let out a sigh of relief.

When she came out, Manley was looking at his phone on the sofa. When he saw her coming out, he immediately looked up and smiled. “Do you need me to stick around?” Estelle looked at him senously, “Stop making those kind of jokes, or else.

“I was wrong” Manley immediately interrupted her, put away his phone, and got up, I know what you’re going to say, but you can’t really draw a line with me, nor can you stop me from liking you.”

Estelle frowned lightly. “Manley you don’t have to do this, it’s not fair to you”

“Who says it’s not fair? You don’t know how happy I am every day” Manley approached her, leaned slightly towards her “Anyway, you don’t like anyone right now I still have a chance, even if you reject me in the end. I won’t regret it?

Estelle sighed, “Do whatever you want then!”

‘Don-sight Manley touched her forehead. “I’m really happy, and I can also help you annoy Jonathan”

Estelle said. “Your goal has never changed.”

From the beginning, he approached her just to annoy Jonathan How come it’s still the same now?

But the person he wanted to annoy, had stopped caring long ago.

“You can leave on your own, I’m going to bed” Estelle said.

“Goodnight Manley softly laughed. “Sweet dreams!”

“Yeah, be careful on the road” Estelle replied, and without paying him any more attention, the went back to her room to stay with Kya

Manley watched her figure disappear before slowly dropping his smile, sitting back on the sofa, and pulling out his phone to continue his game.

It was not until the early hours of the morning that Manley finally stretched, turned off the living room lights, quietly closed the door, and left.


Magdalen came to visit Kya, bringing a ton of snacks, clothes, and toys.

She tried each new outfit on Kya, and her face and eyes were filled with love for Kya

During that time in Oakdale City, everyone was with Kya every day, watching her grow up day by day and treating her with the same love as if she were their own child. Estelle was sitting on the couch playing a game, glanced up, and said, “If you love kids this much, you could have one of your own.”

“With who?” Magdalen joked. “If you were a man, I wouldn’t have to bother anyone else.”

Listening to her complaints. Estelle frowned. So it’s my fault you don’t have kids?”

“Of course it is!” Magdalen replied confidently


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