Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 952

Chapter 952

Chapter 952

Chapter 952

Magdalen couldn’t help laughing. “Old Mr. Quintin, don’t worry, it’s not Estelle’s baby, it’s a friend’s baby, she has some things to deal with, so Estelle and I will take care of her for a few days.” “Really? You’re not lying to me, are you?” Old Mr. Quintin scrutinized Ky

The kid didn’t look a thing like Jonathan

Kya looked a bit baffled, her little eyes darting around. Might be thinking in her heart, what did that old man do? “Really Estelle chuckled. “I swear I won’t lie to you anymore” Old Mr. Quintin grunted, but his face softened when he looked at Kya, “Ain’t you a cutie, what’s your name?”

“Her name’s Kya,” Estelle jumped in.

“Did I ask you?” Old Mr. Quintin frowned, shooting her a glance, “Don’t think you’re off the hook for that stunt you pulled before!”

Estelle was speechless.

Magdalen suppressed a smile, and hurriedly took Old Mr. Quintin’s hand and sat down on the chair, “Don’t be angry, if you blame her again, she might not dare to come here in the future, you didn’t see that she was accompanied by me today did you get up?” Old Mr. Quintin snorted, “Is there anything that little hellion wouldn’t dare?” “Even if she’s a loose cannon, she still couldn’t resist coming back to see you” Magdalen comforted Old Mr. Quintin while giving him a shoulder rub

Old Mr. Quintin’s ire cooled a bit. He turned to Estelle, ‘Your injuries all healed up?”

“That is all good” Estelle replied with an innocent grin.

“What about your eye?”

“That’s all good too

Magdalen giggled, “Feeling better now?”

“I let her off… for now!” Old Mr. Quintin grumbled, “You can go back to City, but stay away from the Lamont family. If you see Jonathan again, don’t bother showing your face around here!”

Old Mr. Quintin had always had a beef with the Lamont family. He blamed Jonathan for Estelle’s injuries, which added fuel to the fire

“Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on them. I guarantee there’ll be no more drama Magdalen quickly reassured.

Estelle lowered her gaze, murmuring. “Yes, never again.”

That’s right!” A satisfied smile finally appeared on Old Mr. Quintin’s face. His attention returned to Kya, “Let me hold you.”

Kya seemed to remember Old Mr. Quintin’s earlier outburst and was a bit timid it took her a while to stretch out her arms.

Old Mr. Quintin cradled Kya, the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. He stood up, I’ve got loads of fun things around here, let’s go check ’em out.”

Old Mr. Quintin led Kya to his yard, with Estelle and Magdalen trailing behind.

His yard was filled with all sorts of plants and animals, a true paradise for nature-loving kids: Kya soon loosened up. She chatted and asked Old Mr. Quintin a bunch of questions, which had him chuckling non-stop.

Magdalen joked, “If I knew you’d be so smitten with Kya, I wouldn’t have bothered coming. Estelle could’ve just brought Kya.”

Estelle sat in the pavilion, hands cupping her face, eyes sparkling. “Kya is really adorable

“This little rascal sure got the best of her parents Magdalen laughed, and then turned to ask, “Is Emily really set on not letting Kya acknowledge Charlie as her father?” “Hmm!” Estelle nodded, “Emily made up her mind a while ago Kya’s her kid, and Charlie’s got nothing to do with it.” Magdalen scoffed. “She’s just fooling herself. Why should she carry all the weight while the guy gets off scot-free?” Estelle kept quiet. There was really no way to simply judge right or wrong about Emily and Charlie.


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