Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 953

Chapter 953

Chapter 953

Chapter 953

“But,” Magdalen pondered for a bit. “Charlie seems to have become more low key these past two years. He hasn’t been flaunting his girlfriend publicly and Waters has been has been pursuing him, but it seems to be unsuccessful.”

Estelle thought back to the woman she had seen at Carson’s wedding

She couldn’t help but scoff. Charlie and his crew are so used to the high life, even without a public girlfriend, they definitely have secret lovers on the side

After playing in the yard for a while, a servant came to tell them that lunch was ready

Just as they were about to head back to their rooms, Jason showed up out of the blue.

Seeing Estelle, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, quickly followed by a warm smile. “You come back and don’t even tell me. If I hadn’t bumped into you today how long were you planning on hiding?”

Estelle innocently responded, “I’ve been really busy these past few days!”

“Busy?” Jason sneered, “Busy with what?”

“Taking care of a child!”

Estelle pointed at Kya

Following her point, Jason saw a cute little baby staring at him with big eyes.

He was even more surprised, “Did you secretly have a child?”

As soon as he said this, the room erupted with laughter

During the meal that followed, Old Mr. Quintin kept urging Jason to get married and have kids because he had suddenly realized how fun children can be

Jason felt that he really shouldn’t be here today! Halfway through lunch, Jason told Estelle, “It’s perfect timing that you’re back. A TV crew really wants you to be their costume designer, they’ve called me three times already”

After Mr. Mayfield’s movie was released, it was an immediate box office hit and received rave reviews, especially for the stunning classical long dresses featured in the movie. They even sparked a retro trend back home.

The success of the movie also gave Estelle some fame in the industry.

Many crews have approached her to design costumes over the past two years, but this particular crew has been the most persistent.

Estelle was really considering going back to work, after all, she had decided to stay in J City and couldn’t afford to be idle forever.

Magdalen immediately said, “You should go, I’ll take care of Kya

“Don’t you have work?” Estelle asked.

“Til hire a nanny. They can look after Kya while I’m working” Magdalen said, pinching Kya’s chubby cheeks, “How about staying with me, would you like that?” Kya, who was eating at the moment, immediately nodded, “Yes!”

“What a good girl!” Magdalen couldn’t help but want to give her a kiss.

Estelle looked at Jason, “When does the crew start shooting?”

“They should be starting soon!” Jason said, “If you’re interested, they really want you. I can ask them to wait a few days for you, I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

Estelle nodded, “I’ll be heading to the studio in the next few days. Have the crew bring the script over, il take a look first.”

“Sure!” Jason nodded. Two days later, Jason called Estelle to tell her about a pre production meeting the crew was having that night. He hoped she could join so she coulet meet the director and producers.

Since Emily didn’t need to go to the hospital that day, Estelle agreed to come over that evening.

As it was getting dark, Jason came to pick her up. Estelle changed into a new outfit and came downstairs.


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