Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Manuel was scared when he saw Jonathan, but soon figured out what had happened.

Probably Jonathan’s girlfriend mistakenly thought that Clarice was seducing Jonathan, so she rushed over to beat him. Even if Jonathan’s girlfriend hit him, he didn’t dare to say anything. In addition, this matter should not be a big deal, so he immediately changed his expression, smiled all over his face, and hurriedly said, “Misunderstanding it’s a misunderstanding! Mr. Lamont’s girlfriend’s hand is okay?” Clarice hid behind Manuel, glaring at Jonathan and Estelle.

Estelle had never been so embarrassed in her life. She quickly apologized and then turned to leave.

Jonathan watched her retreating figure with a faint smile and turned back to Manuel, “Sorry for the interruption, carry on

Then, he turned around to chase after Estelle.

Clarice watched the elegant man and asked Manuel, “Is that Jonathan?“

“Yes! Are you interested in him?” Manuel teased, pinching her waist

Clarice raised an eyebrow, “I know my place, I’m not in his league.”

She blinked. Wasn’t it rumored that Jonathan was into Gwen?

Who was that girl just now?

She touched her swelling face and snorted. She would definitely not let this go! Estelle walked briskly with Jonathan following behind at a leisurely pace.

The partygoers were all in the banquet hall, leaving the garden quiet and dim.

Jonathan kept his eyes on the girl in front of him and said, “This is the first time I’ve seen you so impulsive.”

Estelle stopped in her tracks, her lips pressed tightly together. Was her emotional instability because of his closeness?

“What are you doing here?” Estelle turned to ask

Under the faint light, the man wore a light smile, “I knew you would do something silly,”

Estelle frowned awkwardly. “Where’s Morrison?”

“He got a call and drove off from the back door”

Estelle was speechless.

What a big misunderstanding!

“Don’t pay too much attention to it, Clarice deserved that slap. She’s always wrecking other people’s relationships. The man teased.

Estelle said, “Her seducing others has nothing to do with me, hitting her was my fault.”

The man lowered his head and spoke slowly. “So, what we see isn’t always the truth.”

Estelle’s heart raced. His words seemed to hold deeper meaning, but she didn’t want to dwell on it. She stepped back and politely said, “Thank you for your help. Mr. Lamont.”

Jonathan stood in the shadows, quietly watching her, “you’re welcome”

Estelle gave a small nod and turned to head back to the banquet hall.

As she reached the glass doors of the banquet hall, the lively party was before her and the quiet night was behind her. The doors automatically opened, and she couldn’t help but look back

The area behind her was dim, and Jonathan didn’t keep up.

Her gaze softened a bit, she turned around and walked forward.

She didn’t see Jonathan again for the rest of the night.


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