Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

On the way home, Jason noticed that Estelle seemed a bit worn out. He asked, “What’s up? Tired?”

Estelle shook her head slightly, “Just a little worried.”

Despite her misunderstanding with Ms. Clarice, whether Morrison was truly innocent was another matter.

She was really scared that there might be problems between Magdalen and Morrison.

“Are you worrying about Magdalen?” Jason asked softly.

Estelle was surprised by Jason’s sharpness. “They’ve been together for so long, these things aren’t an issue anymore, don’t worry Jason’s profile looked polite and respectful, Besides, worrying doesn’t change anything about it.”

Estelle took a deep breath, “You’re right!”

“Mr. Tucker’s drama is being selected, and it will start shooting soon, are you ready?” Jason handed Estelle the script in the folder. “Okay” Estelle took it, submit the character’s costume design proposal to the crew as soon as possible.”

The drama was a modern one, with some workplace plots. The crew had already prepared for the costumes and was negotiating with brands.

Estelle only needed to match the clothes provided by the brands to the characters and scenes in the drama.

The next morning.

Estelle woke up and saw Emily making breakfast for her. Emily smiled when she saw her, “Come and eat, I made omelettes.”


you make this?” Estelle asked, “Why are you up so early? You’ve been tired too, and you should take a good rest when you can.”

“No worries!” Emily said carelessly

“Where’s Kya?” Estelle asked,

“She’s downstairs with Ms. Simmons!”

Emily sat on the chair watching Estelle eat, smiling, “Estelle, go do your work I’ll have Ms. Simmons look after Kya.”

“Hmm?” Estelle looked up while eating.

Emily pointed to the script on the coffee table, “I just saw it Actually, Tve been thinking, let Ms. Simmons look after Kya all day”

“No need!” Estelle immediately refused, “The work is not urgent, I can communicate with the crew online

“Estelle, listen to me,” Emily looked calm, “My mother still needs to stay in the hospital for a while, you can’t keep helping me with Kya. At first, we didn’t know what kind of person Ms. Simmons was, so we didn’t dare to let her look after Kya all day But now we’ve known her for a few days, Ms. Simmons is reliable, polite and patient, I think it’s fine.”

Estelle was a little reluctant, Kya just came to a strange place, if she and Emily were not there, could she adapt?

“My brother also discussed with me. I’ll be in the hospital during the day, and he’ll accompany my mother after work. He can sleep in the hospital at night, it won’t affect his work the next day. So, Ms. Simmons can look after Kya during the day, and i’ll be with her when I come back at night.”

Seeing that Emily had already made arrangements, Estelle had to agree, “Well, when I’m free. I’ll stay at home with Kya

“That’s settled then!” In the following days, Estelle was fully devoted to her work. Ms. Simmons took good care of Kya, and with Manley away on a business trip, no one disturbed her, so the work progressed quickly.

By Monday, Estelle arrived at Oakwood Avenue and officially started her work with the crew.

Both sides of Oakwood Avenue were lined with luxury villas, surrounded by large lawns and wide roads, perfect for filming idol dramas. Many well-known idol dramas choire here as their filming location.


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