Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 983

Chapter 983

Chapter 983

Chapter 983

Gwen was making wild guesses on who Estelle might have roped in for this favor. Charlie or Carson? But she was certain that Estelle would never turn to Jonathan! Craig came rushing over upon hearing the news and asked what had happened.

Estelle replied, “Someone ruined my dress. I need a new one.”

Craig took a glance at the ruined dress, frowned and asked, “Who did this?”

Clarice, filing her nails, rolled her eyes and said, “Who else could it be? Has to be someone from here”

“No worries!” Estelle said calmly, “I’ve installed a hidden camera in my room. We’ll find out soon enough”

At her words, a few faces in the crowd tumed pale.

Mr. Kress questioned, “A camera? I don’t remember there being one in that room”

“I installed it myself. This dress is too expensive and I was worried about accidents, so I didn’t tell the crew and just installed a hidden camera. The footage is on my laptop. We’ll know soon enough.” Estelle explained

Craig was immediately relieved, then snickered, “Estelle, you’re always one step ahead”

Soon, Mr. Kress received a call saying that the staff from GK had arrived to deliver the dress.

Mr. Kress looked surprised and slightly doubtful, “Really? GK Jewelry Studio staff?”


Mr. Kress glanced at Estelle and ordered, “Get them inside!”

“Okay” The crew member acknowledged and left.

Two people from GK arrived, one of them carrying a suitcase. Upon arrival, they asked for Estelle, and then respectfully said, ‘Ms. Macclain, our director specifically asked us to check if you’re satisfied with this dress.”

Everyone looked at Estelle in astonishment, guessing who she could possibly be that even Harriet from GK Jewelry Studio was so polite to her!

No wonder she dared to slap Gwen!

A staff member wearing white gloves opened the suitcase and showed the dress to Estelle

There were gasps of admiration all around, everyone was stunned by the dress. It was just as glamorous as the ruined one, with a subtle champagne color and pink diamonds on the bodice that were absolutely magnificent. When the dress was revealed, it was as if the air itself had frozen

Gwen frowned slightly. She had had her eyes on this dress when she was shooting an advertisement for GK. She wanted to wear it for a photoshoot, but the Deputy Director of GK told her that it was a piece by their special guest designer KING. It’s for display only, not for sale, and no one could try it on without the director’s


She had publicly stated earlier that she would never get GK to send a new dress, but Estelle made a phone call and the staff from GK came. Was she trying to embarrass her in public?

But how did Estelle manage to get Harriet to personally deliver the dress?

She must have begged Charlie.

Gwen sneered inwardly, even after leaving Jonathan, Estelle still had to rely on Jonathan’s friends!


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