Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 992

Chapter 992

Chapter 992

Chapter 992

Carson looked back and said with a smile, “Babe, we’re engaged, you won’t let me kiss you, sleep with you, and I can’t even hold your hand?”

Marina put her hands behind her back and replied with a warm smile, “I wanna ask you, have you sorted things out with Cicely? You know, our wedding might not even happen. Don’t call me babe, we’re not that close!”

Carson grinned, “I heard, you’ve got an ex too.”

Maybe the mention of the ex hit a nerve, Marina’s face changed instantly, “I’ve lost my appetite, I’m going home.”

Carson grabbed her wrist, “What, you’re gonna leave the moment I mention your ex? You still have feelings for him?”

He pinned her against the wall, “Don’t get all huffy with me. I have a past, and I’m okay with you loving someone else. Let’s not judge each other.”

Marina tried to stay calm and said quietly, “I’m hungry.”

Seeing her like this, Carson let her go and said with a light chuckle, “Come on, let’s get something to eat.”

Marina didn’t say a word and followed behind Carson.

Carson took a few steps, then suddenly turned around, “Why did your ex break up with you?”

It took Marina a while to answer, “His first love came back.”

Carson snorted and muttered, “So he’s a jerk!”

In the room, after Carson took Marina away, there was a moment of silence.

The two people in the room said nothing. The waiter came in to serve the food and left immediately after setting it down.

Jonathan cut the steak into small pieces with a knife and fork, then put it in front of Estelle, saying softly, “You have a weak stomach, eat something first. If you want ice

cream later, I’ll order for you.”

Estelle said, “Just spit it out!”

Jonathan started quietly, “Estelle, I know you’re mad at me. You can throw a fit, you can curse me, just don’t be so deliberately cold, okay?”

Estelle’s gaze became even colder, “Fine, I’ll tell you why I’m mad!”


She turned to look at the man,

“Jonathan, we’re over. Who you’re with, who you fall in love with, has nothing to do with me. Please don’t approach me with this attitude, and don’t try to seduce me! I’m telling you straight up, I’m not mad because you’re with Gwen, and I’m not uncomfortable with your closeness.”

Jonathan started quietly,

“If I tell you I’m with Gwen…”


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