Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 993

Chapter 993

Chapter 993

Chapter 993

“What you and Gwen do is none of my damn business!” She cut him off, “I’ve told you, we’re over. The day we broke up, I stopped loving you.”

Jonathan stared at her, murmuring softly,

“If love could just stop, that means you never loved me that much in the first place!”

“Probably!” Estelle replied.

He glared at her, “Your love for me was never as strong as mine. Even when we were together, you never said you loved me. Every time we had to part, it was always me who couldn’t bear to let you go, while you were always calm. Even when you saw me with other women, you stayed cool. I always thought you were just bad at expressing your feelings, but in fact, you were just not that into me. You accepted the marriage of the Macclain family and me because of the life and death situation in the secret room. You approached me out of curiosity, and your childhood experiences made you extremely insecure, so everything you did was with a purpose, even with caution and vigilance, so you never opened up about your past, and you never fully invested yourself in this love. I know you always had a backup plan, that’s why you could say you don’t love me anymore after we broke up.

Estelle slowly lowered her head, after a while she said, “You’re right, I thought I was healthy after all these years, but I’m not.

“When I failed the mission back then, all of my comrades died because of me, I felt like I was in hell. Every night when I closed my eyes, all I could see was Wolf and them dying horrifically in front of me.

“That’s when the Macclain family found me, and at the same time, Bennett Macclain had the idea of having me marry you.

“I knew it was you, so I agreed. My life was too dark, and I needed a glimmer of light, to see hope again, and we were buried underground together, we went through the darkness together, I thought maybe you could give me a sliver of light.

“When we were together, you were really good to me, so even though you were the one who proposed to break up, I had no resentment.

“It was me who didn’t tell you everything.”

If the break up was too abrupt back then, today was considered a decent closure.

She paused, then continued, “Anyway, we’re done, my life has nothing to do with you these two years, but I’m doing very well, so let bygones be bygones, we probably can’t be friends, but I don’t want any resentment between us, keeping a proper distance is the final respect for each other.”

Jonathan looked at Estelle, the exquisite tablecloth and valuable cutlery reflected in his dark eyes, flickering with a cold light,

“I just want to ask you one thing, do you really not love me anymore?”

Estelle nodded, “I don’t love you anymore!”

After a long time, he nodded slightly, I’m sorry, I disturbed your life again.”

“It’s okay!”

Estelle’s voice was hoarse as she stood up and slowly walked towards the door.

The door opened, the light flickered, and soon returned to its previous brightness.

But Jonathan felt a wave of darkness rushing at him, he involuntarily closed his eyes, the pain in his heart uncontrollably spread throughout his body.

Was this really the end of them?


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