Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 997

Chapter 997

Chapter 997

Chapter 997


Once Ms. Simmons left, Charlie asked, “What’s up?”

Estelle replied, “No biggie, Kya’s mom might have something going on, that’s why she couldn’t get in touch.”

Charlie, a bit curious, asked, “Is Kya’s mom a friend you made recently?”

Estelle paused for a moment, then nodded, “Yeah.”

“What about her dad?”

“They split up.”

Charlie frowned, then said softly, “So, Kya’s mom’s solo parenting gig must be pretty tough.”

Estelle looked at Kya, who was slightly dazed from the fever in her arms, but said nothing. Charlie said, “I can hold her for a bit.”

Estelle hesitated for a moment, then handed Kya over to Charlie. Kya didn’t resist Charlie at all, snuggling trustingly into his arms.

Looking at the cute and soft baby in his arms, something tugged at Charlie’s heartstrings, stirring an indescribable emotion.

Soon, Ms. Simmons returned, carrying fever medication prescribed by the doctor. She fed it to Kya according to the doctor’s instructions.

Kya was well-behaved, quietly taking her medicine and then snuggling back into Charlie’s arms, making anyone who saw her feel even more sorry for her.

Ms. Simmons knew Charlie was a friend of Estelle’s, but didn’t want to trouble him too much, so she stepped forward and said, “Don’t bother the mister any more, I can hold her.”

Charlie instinctively stepped back, reluctant to hand Kya to Ms. Simmons. He realized his action might be a bit sudden, so he quickly said with a smile, “No worries, Kya is so light, and she won’t tire anyone out. She’s asleep now. Don’t disturb her.”

Ms. Simmons turned to Estelle for confirmation.

Estelle said with a smile, “If you have something to do, go ahead. Ms. Simmons and I will be fine here.”

“I don’t have anything urgent, I’ve sent my mother home.” Charlie said, “I’ll wait until Kya’s fever subsides before leaving.”

Estelle didn’t say anything more, just asked Ms. Simmons to take a break outside while she and Charlie stayed with Kya.

Half an hour later, Kya’s fever subsided, though she was still groggy from sleep. Estelle took the test results to the doctor, who, after reviewing them, assured her, “Don’t worry, there’s no major issue according to the results. It’s a fever caused by a viral infection. Many kids have caught this virus recently.”

Charlie immediately asked, “Is it serious?”

“Not at all, it’s a self-limiting virus, but she may have recurring fevers for the next few days. It’s like the common cold virus, and will take about a week to recover. In severe cases, she might develop a rash, so take good care of her.” The doctor instructed. Estelle nodded, “Understood.”

She then went to get the medication prescribed by the doctor.

Kya was still sleeping, comfortably lying in Charlie’s arms.

Charlie didn’t want to disturb her, so he waited for Estelle to get the medication, then carried her home with Estelle.

Estelle drove, with Ms. Simmons in the passenger seat. Occasionally, she would look back at Kya in the backseat. Seeing the man holding Kya was very gentle, always looking at Kya with a patient and soft gaze, it didn’t seem like they had just met.

Ms. Simmons found it a bit strange.

Estelle relayed the doctor’s instructions to Ms. Simmons, who took them seriously, “Don’t worry Ms. Macclain, I will take good care of Kya.”

Estelle nodded, “It will be tough for you these few days.”

Ms. Simmons quickly replied with a smile, “Please don’t say that. It’s my duty to do so.”

Upon entering Sunset Ridge, Charlie took off his own jacket and wrapped it around Kya, carrying her upstairs.


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