Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

Walking in, Charlie felt at home in the warmly decorated room.

“Sir, let me take Kya. I’ll put her to bed,” Ms. Simmons said softly with a smile.


Feeling it wouldn’t be appropriate to enter the lady’s bedroom, Charlie handed Kya over to

Ms. Simmons.

Estelle handed him a bottle of water, saying with a faint smile, “Thank you so much for today!”

“No worries, Kya and I are friends now.” Charlie said casually, as he took a look around the


The room was neat and clean, with light-colored furniture and daisies in a vase. The

breeze from the balcony blew the light blue curtains, revealing the embroidered daisies on the edges.

The air was filled with the unique scent of a child and a faint fragrance that made one feel


Knowing that Kya’s mother was a divorced woman, Charlie couldn’t help but be curious. He imagined her as a fresh, elegant, and strong woman who managed to take care of

herself and her child so well after the divorce.

Seeing that Kya was alright, he didn’t want to overstay his welcome. After a few sips of water, he stood up, “I should get going now. If you need anything for Kya, feel free to give me a call.”

“Alright, thank you, Charlie,” Estelle said with a smile.

“Stop being so formal. Even though you and Jonathan are no longer together, we’re still friends,” Charlie responded with a smile.

Estelle nodded, “Okay!”

As Charlie headed out, Estelle walked him to the door, “How are you getting home?”

He had come in her car from the hospital.

“My driver is waiting downstairs,” Charlie replied.

“Drive safe!”

“I will. Take care of Kya.”


Once Charlie had stepped into the elevator, Estelle turned back inside.

Ms. Simmons poured a glass of water for Estelle, “We were lucky to have him today. I was so panicked taking Kya to the hospital. He was the one who found a doctor.”

Estelle said with a smile, “Don’t thank him. He was just doing what he should.”

Ms. Simmons looked confused.

“It’s alright. You’ve worked hard. Rest a bit, I’ll keep an eye on Kya,” Estelle said with a


“I’m not tired at all!” Ms. Simmons replied with a warm smile, feeling a bit guilty, “I didn’t take good care of Kya. I feel terrible she fell ill.”

“The doctor said many children have been getting this virus lately. It’s normal and not your fault. Don’t blame yourself,” Estelle reassured her.

“I guess she got it from some other kids when I took her to the playground a few days ago,” Ms. Simmons speculated.

“Don’t overthink it!” Estelle consoled.

Just as Ms. Simmons was about to speak, her phone rang. It was Kya’s mother.

“Hello!” she answered.

Emily, seeing all the missed calls, asked anxiously, “What happened? Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine now, don’t worry!” Ms. Simmons reassured.

Estelle took the phone and updated Emily about the day’s events.

“I was accompanying my mom to a medical check-up and had to switch off my phone. I didn’t expect Kya to fall ill,” Emily explained.

Estelle chuckled, her guess had been right, “The doctor said it’s a viral fever, nothing serious. She’s been given medication, don’t worry!”

“Thank God you were there,” Emily said, “I can’t leave until my brother finishes work. Can you look after Kya a little longer?”

“Sure thing.”


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