Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700 Mr. Beauty These words somehow made Joe happy. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, “It’s not impossible.” Charlotte looked at him helplessly. Forget it, let him do whatever he wanted. She suddenly remembered another thing. “Is this restaurant yours?” Joe’s face changed slightly, and he nodded and said, “I’ve been on business trips these years. When I find the proper investment, I’ll buy it and accumulate some stores unconsciously. If you’re interested, I’ll ask Jack to sort it out and give it to you tomorrow.” Enter title…

Charlotte quickly waved her hand and said, “No need. I’m busy enough with my own affairs. And when did you cultivate the habit of sending things at will?” She remembered that Joe was not like this in the past. He chuckled and looked at her ambiguously. “I’m yours already, do I still care

about this money?” Charlotte was speechless for a moment, which made Joe couldn’t help but laugh. What he didn’t tell her was that ever since she left, he had been subconsciously looking for dishes related to her. If he could taste something in a restaurant similar to what she had once cooked, he would buy it without hesitation. Over the years, he had accumulated a lot of restaurants. Even if he hadn’t realized that he had fallen in love with her, his taste buds had already memorized everything for him. Ben and Anna also liked the food in this restaurant very much. The two of them

almost buried themselves in eating all the time and didn’t care about their parents at all. Seeing that they were eating so happily, Charlotte couldn’t help but have an appetite. At this moment, a beautiful woman walked over gracefully. She looked back and forth at them and said sweetly to Joe with an ambiguous gaze. “Mr. Smith, why don’t you tell me you are coming to Bexonia? It’s a pity that I think you are the most important person…” She smiled as she leaned in the direction of Joe. Her nails almost poked into his chest. Joe’s face immediately darkened. He grabbed the finger of the beautiful woman and said in a low voice, “If those fingers dare to stab me, I’ll completely destroy them.” The beauty was not angry, tutted softly, and walked in the direction of Charlotte. “Girls know how to treat girls better, don’t you think so?” She tried to put her hand on Charlotte’s smooth shoulder again, but before she could touch her, a shiny silver knife brushed past her face and pierced into the cabinet next to her. The beauty immediately panicked and asked in a sharp voice, “Are you crazy? That knife can hurt me easily!” “If your hand touches her shoulder, the next time it will stab you in the chest.” Joe said in a cold voice. The beauty had no choice but to take a few steps back reluctantly. She looked at Charlotte with grievance and said, “Isn’t your man too crazy? I just want to say hello to you politely. As for such a man…” Scared by the sharp knife, and the beauty quickly glanced in Joe’s direction. She found that he did not move this time, so she was slightly relieved.

Ben and Anna were not scared by the knife but looked at the beauty carefully. Just as the beauty was proudly playing with her hair, Anna suddenly said, “Mom, why does this uncle dress up as a girl?” The beauty immediately widened his eyes. “What did you say?”

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