Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701 How Did You Figure Out I’m a Boy? “He said you’re a boy, so why are you wearing girls’ clothes?” Ben repeated Anna’s words, looking at him with the same curiosity. That beauty was completely stunned this time. He looked at Joe in amazement. “Did you tell them my identity?” Joe shook his head without hesitation. “I’m not that idle.” The beauty quickly walked up to Anna and asked in a sweet voice, “Sweetie, how did you figure out I’m a boy?” He considered himself skilled in cross-dressing, having fooled many people before. How could he be exposed by two kids like this? Enter title…

Anna pointed to his Adam’s apple. “Gorya said boys have a different Adam’s apple than girls. Even if you disguise yourself like that, we can still tell.” The beauty instinctively touched his Adam’s apple. He had indeed disguised it,

and he was confident he hadn’t left any traces. He didn’t expect these two children to see through it at a glance. At this point, he decided to revert to his normal voice and extended a hand toward Anna. “Hello. My name is William Turner, and my hobby is crossdressing.” “Wow, that’s cool!” Anna couldn’t help but admire. “So Mom was telling the truth! Boys really like wearing girls’ clothes, and they look pretty!” William was stunned by her words. While he had never cared about others’ opinions, he had indeed endured many strange looks when cross-dressing. This was the first time he had met two children who spoke so naturally to him, saying how cool he was. He felt a touch of warmth in his heart and bent down to pat Anna’s head. “Thank

you. You’re pretty cool.” Joe glanced at him indifferently. “Are you done being moved? We need to go buy dresses.” William pulled out a few invitations from his pocket and tossed them in front of Joe. “How did someone like you have such an adorable daughter like Anna? It must be Miss Clinton’s excellent genes that saved her from being ruined by you.” Charlotte had been quietly observing the interaction between Joe and William. She noticed their interaction was unusually familiar, which was rare for Joe. When the family of four finished shopping for clothes and arrived outside the venue, a handsome man with curly hair immediately came to greet them. Charlotte looked at Joe with confusion. “Who is this?” Before Joe could speak, the man smiled and said, “Miss Clinton, we just separated a moment ago, and you’ve already forgotten me?” Charlotte looked at him in astonishment. “Are you William?” Just a little while ago at the restaurant, he had appeared as a captivating beauty, but how had he transformed into a handsome man with an exotic charm so quickly? It seemed like there was no commonality between these two appearances! William loved to see the shocked expressions on people’s faces when they saw his transformations. He was about to make a few snide remarks when he suddenly noticed Joe’s expression and immediately reconsidered. He said to Charlotte in a low voice, “I hope you all have a good time at the auction tonight.” It wasn’t until then that Charlotte realized that Joe had brought them here for this auction. William led them to the VIP section. Charlotte glanced around and noticed that

the attendees at this auction were either wealthy or influential. Everyone seemed to have a clear purpose as they were flipping through their catalogs and discussing something with others. Charlotte also opened her catalog. The first few items up for auction were basic antiques and jewelry, and while they were not numerous, they were not particularly rare.

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