Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Chapter 702 Why Are There Children at an Auction? Charlotte noticed that there was an island in the shape of a heart among them. She turned her head to look at Joe. “Are you planning to buy this island?” Joe nodded. “I think this place is perfect for a wedding…” Charlotte didn’t expect this idea from him and quickly said, “But don’t I already have an island under my name?” After all, there was a gold mine under that island. Joe smiled and shook his head. “This island has a lot of beautiful scenery. I think you’ll like it.” Enter title…

Charlotte carefully looked at the photos of the island and had to admit that they were indeed beautifully taken. If they could hold a wedding there, it would surely be a memorable experience. Ben and Anna also came over at this time, each sitting obediently in their

parent’s laps. This was their first time attending an auction. Anna saw the sparkling jewelry and kept exclaiming in amazement, which made Charlotte couldn’t help but smile. Just at that moment, the lights in the adjacent private room suddenly came on, and a woman with a piercing voice could be heard saying, “This is so annoying! Why are there children at an auction like this?” “I’m sorry, both children have realized their mistake and promise not to make loud noises again,” the waiter explained earnestly to the woman. However, the woman seemed unrelenting and continued, “We are VIPs here! If you can’t handle these two kids, I’ll have you dealt with!”

Charlotte stood up abruptly and quickly walked to the door of the adjacent room, knocking on it. The person inside at first looked puzzled when he saw her but soon recognized her as Charlotte, who had recently been widely discussed in Albania’s elite circles. The smile on his face was just about to emerge when he heard Charlotte say icily, “I heard that my children disturbed you, so I came here to apologize.” The man was momentarily stunned and quickly waved his hand. “No, no, how noisy can children be? It’s okay.” The man looked embarrassed, but the woman continued to be unrelenting, “Children shouldn’t be present at such an auction! You…” The man quickly covered the woman’s mouth. Although, in the eyes of others, they were wealthy, they knew their own business very well. They really didn’t amount to much in front of the person in front of them. Not to mention, it was true that his wife had been unreasonable just now. Charlotte frowned. She turned to the waiter behind her and said, “As far as I know, the soundproofing materials used in the auction box are top-notch. Moreover, my child’s voice is not loud. Can such a sound even penetrate through?” The waiter didn’t expect the dispute to shift to them. He quickly shook his head and said, “You’re right. Our boxes are equipped with the highest quality soundproofing materials, and they shouldn’t allow any sound to pass through.” He quickly glanced at the couple and said, “I didn’t hear any noise just now.” The woman became even angrier. She didn’t know who Charlotte was and assumed she was a mistress kept by some wealthy man.

She sneered on the spot, “Where do you come from, you cheap woman? Just because you’ve attached yourself to a wealthy man, you think you’re someone special? If you have the guts…” Before she could finish her words, the man slapped her across the face, angrily saying, “Shut your mouth!” They barely had a decent conversation before, but their family would have gone bankrupt if the insults continued!

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