Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

hapter 710 Another Little Surprise Ben and Anna were overjoyed. As the two elders met for the first time, Sir Smith and Old Mr. Clinton shook hands and, accompanied by Huxley, who was watching the excitement from the side, walked away with smiles. It must be said that Joe’s preparations were truly thorough. In addition to the gigantic crystal palace, he deliberately built a row of beachfront villas to ensure that every arriving guest had a place to stay, and if they wished, they could enjoy their time here. As the sun set, Charlotte held Joe’s hand on the beach as they strolled along the shore. Enter title…

“When did you prepare all of this?” Charlotte asked curiously. She hadn’t expected Joe to propose again after she had already agreed. Joe chuckled lightly. “I made all the preparations long before we bought the

island.” No wonder he had been so determined to win the auction that day. It turned out he had already planned everything. Suddenly, Charlotte tilted her head and smiled at Joe. “Actually, I had a surprise for you too.” “What?” Joe raised an eyebrow, looking at her. But Charlotte just laughed and ran away, saying, “Now is not the time to talk about it. You’ll have to wait a few more days.” Joe was speechless. Not only did they build the underwater palace, but all the facilities on the island were also perfected by Joe. Everyone went through great efforts to come here,

so they naturally decided to have a good time. Except for a few who were busy with work, most people stayed on the island for three to five days before leaving. Sir Smith and Old Mr. Clinton hit it off immediately, and they planned to attend an auction in Dynastica. Ben and Anna also insisted on going, and after consulting with Joe and Charlotte, they took the children and flew away. For a while, the once lively island was left with only Joe and Charlotte. “I should have introduced your grandfather to mine earlier if I had known he was so easy to get along with,” Joe couldn’t help but exclaim. He had endured quite a bit of teasing from Charlotte’s grandfather during this time, and he didn’t expect Sir Smith to step in and help him out. Charlotte couldn’t help but laugh, “I thought you never cared about these things.” Joe held her in his arms with a helpless smile, “But they are your family! And their teasing of me is just them standing up for you.” It was precisely because of this that he was willing to endure for Charlotte. Charlotte also understood his meaning, and the smile in her eyes deepened. The two of them walked hand in hand along the beach, and the absence of their friends’ chatter made the entire island seem quiet. Joe suddenly grinned mischievously and scooped up Charlotte, carrying her deeper into the forest. “Where are you taking me?” Charlotte exclaimed, looking for answers. Joe playfully lifted her a little, causing her to cling tightly to his neck. With a smirk, Joe held Charlotte securely, “I have another little surprise for you.” He navigated through the underwater palace, following a seldom-trodden path, and suddenly, a charming bamboo hut appeared before them. The entire hut was crafted from purple bamboo, adorned with delicate eaves

and curtains swaying gently beneath the porch, carried by the sea breeze. When Charlotte saw the bamboo hut, she was left in awe. She had seen this bamboo hut in her grandmother’s manuscripts and praised its exquisite beauty to Joe on more than one occasion. Yet, she never expected Joe to make it a reality here.

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