Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 726

Chapter 726

Chapter 726

Chapter 726 Eight Male Models Lena downed her drink and gave Charlotte a meaningful look, her red lips curling slightly. “It was just an accident between a man and a woman.” After saying that, she got up and left. Charlotte sat there, her eyes widening as she processed Lena’s words. An accident between a man and a woman… Her two good friends? Charlotte couldn’t even imagine it, no matter how hard she tried. It was just impossible! She was about to follow Lena to inquire further when a similarly seductivelooking Zoe approached. Zoe’s face was flushed with excitement as she grabbed Charlotte’s hand. “It’s your bachelorette party, and you’re hiding here. What’s wrong with you?” Before Charlotte could even speak, Zoe pulled her over to the edge of the pool. The pool area was well-lit, and there were already quite a few people gathered around, clearly summoned by Zoe. When they saw Charlotte, they began to applaud enthusiastically, leaving her

utterly bewildered. “Next up is a special performance I’ve prepared just for you.” She waved her hand, and eight male models with towering physiques walked over. Each one of them stood over six feet tall and had a perfect golden ratio physique. Their faces were all handsome. At that moment, Charlotte felt like her eyes were dazzled by the sight. For some reason, Charlotte suddenly felt a pang of unease, but she reassured herself that there was no way Joe could see this scene. So, she watched the spectacle unfold with a sense of calm.

She looked at Zoe in shock, “When did you bring them here?” These days, she had been busy setting up the background and hadn’t heard about anyone coming to the island. “It was my doing, of course,” Mandy appeared with a mischievous smile, “For your last night of being single, how could we not have male models? Even if they’re just for display, they’re quite pleasing to the eye.” Charlotte smiled wryly, “I hope you all have fun.” Zoe chuckled, “You’re the star of today! It’s just a few men. Can’t Joe come out to bother you, can he?” That wasn’t likely. Charlotte looked at the male model group with a hint of indifference and didn’t show much interest. Zoe signaled the male models with a glance, “This lady here is the bride-to-be for tomorrow, and your mission today is to make her happy!” Almost instantly, the male models gathered around. “Hello, Miss Clinton!” The male models shouted in unison towards Charlotte, and each of them struck a pose, showcasing their male charm. Charlotte had attended other people’s bachelor parties before, but when she realized that these people’s targets had become her, she realized how awkward the situation was. Seeing her embarrassed, Zoe couldn’t help but laugh. “Can’t you find any of these guys attractive?” Zoe pondered for a moment and sighed, “Well, it’s true that Joe is superior to them in both physique and looks and most importantly, he’s legal.” Her words elicited laughter from everyone. Charlotte smiled and replied, “The male models are all handsome, but I’m not

very interested. You all go ahead and have fun together.” Zoe didn’t insist and smiled as she beckoned one of the male models over. The male model understood her intentions and quickly walked over. Seeing this, the others followed suit, mimicking her actions and selecting their favorites. As they all started to enjoy themselves, Charlotte didn’t linger and turned to get something to eat. Little did she know, one of the male models watched her departing figure with a sense of dissatisfaction, secretly making a decision in his heart.

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