Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Chapter 727 Who Is That Guy? As Charlotte passed through the lobby, there were chefs by the garden ready and waiting. When they saw Charlotte sitting down, one of them approached her and asked what she’d like to eat. Charlotte pondered for a moment and chose steak. While she was waiting for her steak, a handsome man sat down across from her. Charlotte looked at the man with a puzzled expression, and the man flashed a charming smile at her. “Miss Clinton, hello. May I sit here?” Charlotte was speechless. He had already sat down, so what was the point of asking this? She looked at him with a half-smile and asked, “Do you need something?” The man hesitated for a moment, then flashed Charlotte a charming smile. “My name is Caleb Nelson, and I’m a junior at Willow University. I heard from a friend that they were looking for part-time help here today, and I didn’t expect to

run into you.” Being male models, they had seen their fair share of wealthy women, but it was almost impossible to come across so many young, beautiful, and affluent ladies all at once. Not to mention marrying them, even having a fling with them would be a huge win. Who knows, perhaps even becoming their lover or something similar… Caleb became more and more excited as he thought about it, and his smile deepened gradually. He winked at Charlotte. Charlotte felt speechless. “I know you’re getting married tomorrow… Isn’t it better to indulge a little on this

occasion? I promise no one else will ever know about this.” Caleb’s gaze became sticky, almost as if it could draw silk, and he was just a few words away from offering to spend a night together. Charlotte’s expression darkened, “I’m sorry, I have no interest.” Caleb didn’t expect her to refuse so bluntly, and his smile immediately froze on his face. He simply stood up and displayed his impressive figure, “Miss Clinton…” “Get lost.” Before he could finish his words, a low, masculine voice interrupted him. Caleb shivered all over and turned around in astonishment. Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat. How could Joe be here? Without waiting for her to speak, Caleb mistook Joe for a male model trying to steal his business and scolded him, “Who do you think you are? Miss Clinton was booked by me. Go find someone else.” Jack, who had come with Joe, was dumbfounded. Was this something he would witness in his lifetime? Could he, earning a sixfigure salary annually, hear such words? How dare someone ask what Mr. Smith was? Joe didn’t get angry; instead, he smiled. He raised an eyebrow at Charlotte and placed his hand on her shoulder, his gaze audacious and tinged with a sense of invasion. “But whom do you want to choose, Miss Clinton?” The last few words made Charlotte shiver all over. She widened her eyes, about to speak, when Joe captured her chin and deeply kissed her. Caleb’s eyes widened. How could he do this? Seeing the opportunity slipping through his fingers, Caleb, frustrated, planned to rush forward and pull Joe away. But at this moment, the kind-hearted Jack grabbed him.

“Listen to me, buddy. While you still have a chance to live, get out of here quickly,” Jack advised earnestly. “If that man gets angry, you might end up as fish food in the sea.” Caleb’s face turned pale. He saw the sincerity in Jack’s words and began to feel uneasy. “Who is that guy?” “Her husband,” Jack replied expressionlessly.

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