Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729 Mr. Smith’s Service In no time, Joe began to sway gently with the music. Though his dance moves weren’t very skillful, his handsome face and well-built physique more than made up for it. Charlotte’s gaze couldn’t help but focus on him as she watched Joe slowly undo the buttons of his shirt. One button, two buttons, three buttons… The white designer shirt fell to the ground in an instant, revealing Joe’s muscular upper body with clearly defined eight-pack abs. Enter title…

URLs Joe leisurely walked up to Charlotte, took her hand, and placed it on his abdominal muscles. Charlotte’s breath grew lighter, and she blinked before giving in to her desires, gently caressing them. The firm and powerful sensation of his muscles left her almost unable to resist. “I…”

Charlotte was about to speak, but Joe raised his index finger and gently placed it on her lips. His gaze was like a deep vortex, dark and irresistibly alluring. Charlotte couldn’t help but look at him, and she became captivated by his eyes. All her attention was focused on him. Joe swayed to the music for a moment, and then he hooked his lips, his slender fingers resting on his belt buckle. Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat, and she stared at Joe in disbelief. Joe chuckled softly, his voice husky as he asked, “Do you want to see?”

Without much hesitation, Charlotte nodded. The smile on Joe’s face deepened. He pulled Charlotte up, and his slender fingers traced her lips. “I can continue, of course, but you have to show some sincerity.” Charlotte gazed into his eyes and suddenly burst into laughter. Charlotte’s fair arm slowly hooked around Joe’s neck, and she planted a kiss on his lips. Joe’s eyes immediately deepened to a dark hue. He held Charlotte and sat back on the bamboo chair, unfastening his belt. His black trousers fell to the ground. The two locked eyes, their gazes entwined with desire. Unable to resist any longer, Joe leaned in and kissed Charlotte. The next morning, Charlotte woke up in the sunlight and saw Joe’s profile. She gave him a kiss. “Just one more day.” Joe opened his eyes and looked at Charlotte seriously. “Just one more day, and we will tell the world that we’re married.” His words brought a gentle smile to Charlotte’s face. “Then you should know, the day before the wedding, we aren’t supposed to meet.” Joe stared at Charlotte in disbelief, accusing her with his eyes. What was the difference between her actions and those of a typical heartbreaker? However, Charlotte showed no signs of changing her mind, smiling at Joe all along. With no other choice, Joe dressed himself and placed Charlotte’s clothes at the bedside. “See you tomorrow,” Joe said reluctantly, then left. Watching him walk away, Charlotte couldn’t help but laugh.

Joe probably never imagined there would be a day when he’d be kicked out. Charlotte changed into fresh clothes and arrived at the villa, where she happened to run into Zoe and Lena just after breakfast. The two of them gave Charlotte an once-over, teasing with smirks, “It looks like Mr. Smith’s service has left you very satisfied; it wasn’t in vain that he took you away yesterday.” Charlotte didn’t mind their teasing. “I’m going to have breakfast; I’m quite hungry.” She hadn’t even had a chance to eat her steak from last night, and she was indeed starving. Zoe chuckled, “Mr. Smith is truly something. The male model who chatted with you yesterday fled overnight.”

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