Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 730

Chapter 730

Chapter 730

Chapter 730 You’ll Need to Show Some Real Sincerity Recalling the events of last night, Charlotte’s smile deepened a bit. “It shouldn’t be him; it was his assistant, Jack.” Jack, who had been by Joe’s side for so many years, found it quite easy to intimidate a male model who had yet to enter society. Seeing her mysterious demeanor, Zoe assumed that her experience last night must have been quite enjoyable. She playfully bumped into Charlotte’s shoulder and said, “Looks like you had a good time last night?”

Charlotte wasn’t accustomed to sharing such things with others. She clumsily changed the subject, “How about we go for a spa day today?” Zoe, understanding that she was feeling shy, let her off the hook, considering that she would be getting married tomorrow. Charlotte finally breathed a sigh of relief and began her skincare routine on the

last day. At three o’clock in the morning the next day, Charlotte was awakened by her makeup artist for her styling session. Charlotte, who was forced to wake up early, felt quite resentful. She couldn’t even remember if she had woken up this early when she first married Joe or what her mood was like at the time. As she was lost in thought, her gaze fell on the heads gathered not far away. Zoe, Mandy, and the others seemed to hit it off right away, especially when it came to planning pranks on Joe. It appeared that everyone had reached a high level of consensus on this matter. However…

Charlotte’s astonished gaze landed on Trevor and Damon. Weren’t they supposed to be helping the groom as groomsmen? Why were they so excited about playing tricks? Perhaps her surprised expression was too obvious, and both Trevor and Damon noticed it. Damon looked up and smiled at Charlotte, revealing a set of white teeth. “Since he invited us to be groomsmen, he should be prepared to be betrayed.” Trevor nodded solemnly. “Don’t think I don’t know. He’s using this opportunity to make us give up, to let us witness his triumphant stance. He’s overthinking it.” Charlotte smiled helplessly. “Hoping you guys have fun.” In her heart, she couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Joe. When the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds, Charlotte’s door was also knocked on. Zoe and the others were blocking the doorway, calling out with smiles, “Today, Charlotte can’t leave without some sincerity! How much sincerity do you have?” Joe had a smile on his lips and replied in a deep voice, “No problem. How much money it takes to open this door is not an issue.” Unexpectedly, Zoe and the others chuckled and said, “No one here lacks money. If you want to take her away, you’ll need to show some real sincerity.” Joe naturally agreed without hesitation, “Okay, just name it.” The first to step up was Mandy. She slyly approached the door and said, “As a good man, you can’t just look good; you have to be useful. We can’t check this directly, so how about having the groomsmen and you each do ninety-nine push-ups first?” Everyone burst into laughter, and Joe immediately put his hands on the ground and began doing push-ups at lightning speed. Despite wearing a suit, his push-up form was impeccable, and one could even

see the beautiful lines in his arms through the suit. But at this moment, no one was admiring his movements. Instead, everyone was holding back their laughter and looking at the groomsmen behind him. Among the groomsmen, except for Windy, who diligently completed the pushups, the others were all doing them slowly. What was even more outrageous was Trevor; he was lying completely still on the ground, showing no intention of moving at all.

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