Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752 Escaping and Traps On the other hand, Charlotte was still thinking about how to escape the villa. Ever since she successfully opened the fence of the villa last time, all the fences around the windows have been reinforced. Even the lawn outside the window was guarded by a few people. In short, unless Charlotte turned into a mosquito and flew out, there was no chance of escape. Since going through the windows and doors was not possible, Charlotte’s attention turned to the strength of the building.

Her mentor once told her that every building has its weakest point. If she could find it, there might be a chance to escape. But before Charlotte could find the weak point she was looking for, a tall and handsome man suddenly entered the villa. The man was wearing golden glasses and a silver-gray suit.

The moment he saw Charlotte, he smiled. “Miss Clinton, I thought you’d be disheartened after your recent setback, but it turns out you’re even more motivated,” the man said with interest. Charlotte, however, retreated two steps cautiously and her eyes were fixed on the man, “Who are you? How did you get here?” She pulled out a sharpened fork and aimed it at the man. If he made any sudden moves, Charlotte would not hesitate to stab him in the artery. The man quickly raised his hands and explained, “I am a psychologist, specifically hired to see you.” “A psychologist?” Charlotte’s tone was sarcastic, “Are they worried that being

locked up here alone will make me go crazy?” The man shook his head and took out a pure black business card from the briefcase he was carrying, handing it to Charlotte. On the pure black business card, only one name was embossed in gold, Smollett Twain. “I don’t need any psychiatrist,” Charlotte glanced at the card and told Smollett to leave.

Smollett didn’t care, “I’m not here to see you for mental illness. I have more important things to do with you.” His words made Charlotte even more cautious. She subtly increased the distance between herself and Smollett, gripping the fork tightly and watching every move of Smollett.

Seeing her so nervous, Smollett’s smile became even wider. He took out a very fine syringe from nowhere and said to Charlotte, “Relax, so you won’t suffer unnecessary pain.” Charlotte retreated more while Smollett kept advancing, staring closely at her. Charlotte suddenly screamed, and Smollett instinctively looked in the direction she was looking. Taking advantage of this, Charlotte rushed out like a bullet. However, Smollett’s reaction was faster. He grabbed Charlotte’s shoulder and pulled her to his side, quickly stabbing the fine needle into Charlotte’s neck. “What did you inject me with?” Charlotte covered her neck, and her eyelids became heavier. Before long, Charlotte completely fainted. Charlotte woke up slowly after an unknown amount of time. The first thing she did upon waking was to check her clothes to make sure no one had touched her, and then she sighed with relief

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