Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Chapter 753 Unveiling Intrigues She then hid in the closet, peeking through a small gap. Sure enough, Smollett came into the room with a glass of water but didn’t see Charlotte. He frowned and went out to ask for help. Soon, Smollett came in with a group of people, and they began a thorough search of the room. Charlotte didn’t expect so many people. She had already struggled against Smollett. If the others joined, she would have no chance to escape. Charlotte couldn’t think of a solution.

After waiting in the dark closet for a while, a sharp pain came from the back of her neck. She instinctively touched it but found nothing. In her distraction, Smollett suddenly approached the closet and opened the door

to reveal a panicked Charlotte. “You’re quite energetic after the surgery, Miss Clinton,” Smollett said to Charlotte with a smirk. “Surgery? What did you do to me?” Charlotte checked her body but found no abnormalities. “It’s more of an injection of a drug rather than surgery,” The drug was already in Charlotte’s system, Smollett began to explain. It turned out the drug was for treating the central nervous system. Once injected into a healthy person, all memories would be erased. “You went through all this trouble to capture me just to erase my memory?” Charlotte looked incredulously at Smollett, “Are you insane?” Charlotte couldn’t help but curse. But Smollett remained calm, unaffected by Charlotte’s words.

Perhaps because she was too agitated, a sharp pain came from her heart, and she slowly fell. Before fainting, Charlotte saw Smollett approaching and stabbed him with the fork in her hand. Smollett screamed, and blood flowed from his arm. The fork was deeply embedded in his forearm.

Smollett lost his composure, shouting for help. A bodyguard saw Smollett’s situation and hurriedly opened the door.

Seeing Smollett in pain, Charlotte fainted with satisfaction. On the other hand, Joe, following the information from Dylan, discovered that these people had unusual backgrounds. Although they were mid-level members of the underworld in Halcyonland and didn’t reach the core management, they had access to lots of information. What was more surprising was their connection to the underworld in Dynastica. Most shocking of all, the previous business investigation led to a familiar face. It was Martha’s husband, Hope. Even though they couldn’t find more information, the appearance of Martha and Hope at this time was too coincidental. Joe didn’t believe their stories and even doubted Martha. Now that he found Hope’s connection with the underworld in Dynastica, it further confirmed his suspicions.

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