Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 757

Chapter 757

Chapter 757

Chapter 757 Reunion with Uncertainty Martha quickly patted the back of his hand reassuringly, “Don’t worry; I was concerned that her condition might have been affected during this time, so I had a private doctor examine her.” “Where is she? I want to see her right away,” Joe said firmly. Martha wanted to stop him, but at that moment, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Charlotte, now dressed in loose and comfortable sportswear, was brought out. Joe immediately stepped forward, his eyes full of uncontrollable excitement.

He was about to embrace Charlotte when she suddenly ducked, avoiding his hug. Joe looked at Charlotte in confusion, “What’s wrong?” It was then that he noticed. The look in Charlotte’s eyes had become very strange as if…she didn’t recognize him at all.

Charlotte bypassed Joe and, like a frightened rabbit, hid behind Martha. Martha quickly turned around to comfort her before looking at Joe helplessly, “It seems like she has forgotten everything from the past…” Upon hearing this, Joe clenched his fists. He had to use almost all of his self-control to barely hold back his murderous intent. He didn’t know what Martha and her group had done to Charlotte, and he didn’t dare to act rashly. He looked gloomy, “What the hell is going on?” Martha had no choice but to explain.

According to her, after returning from abroad, she and Hope had been looking for Charlotte. Later, by a stroke of luck, one of Hope’s clients mentioned this auction. There was one person whose characteristics seemed a lot like Charlotte’s. With a try-and-see attitude, she and Hope rushed over and found that it was indeed Charlotte, so they bid for her.

However, it turned out that Charlotte had lost her memory. Joe took a deep breath, looked deeply at Charlotte, and extended a hand to her, “My name is Joe, and I’m your husband.” “Husband?” Charlotte looked at the completely unfamiliar man in front of her and subconsciously turned her head to glance at Martha. Martha reluctantly nodded, “What he said is true; you should go with him.” Joe also noticed that Charlotte was exceptionally reliant on Martha, and lowered

his eyes slightly. Charlotte hesitated for a moment but eventually walked over to Joe and put her hand into his palm. It was not until this moment that Joe felt his life had brightened up again. Whether Charlotte remembers him or not, he will never let go of her hand again. Joe looked at Martha and said nothing for a long time. Martha thought he was just too grateful to her, so she waved her hand, “It was the least I could do. As long as you are happy, I can be at ease.” Her words were sincere and warm, making Joe slightly moved. He stepped forward to hug Martha, “Thank you, Mom.” Charlotte looked at the scene of the mother and son embracing each other, and a surge of anger arose.

Even though she had no memory of Joe, she subconsciously felt that the scene should not be like this…

Before she could think further, a sharp pain immediately struck, causing her to subconsciously cover her head. “What’s wrong with you?”

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