Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

Chapter 767 First Attempt The two arrived at the base of the Horizon Group. Charlotte took a deep breath, appearing very tense. Joe suddenly gripped her hand, “Horizon Group is your territory. Whatever happens to you, they will never abandon you here.” Hearing Joe say this, the fear in Charlotte’s heart was alleviated. She thought of the breathing techniques that Morgan had taught her and slowly started to practice them. On the way to the CEO’s office, almost everyone who saw her greeted her with joy, and some even inquired about her health.

Gradually, Charlotte’s tension eased, and she became more composed when facing everyone’s questions. Upon meeting several board members in the office, although everyone had questions, seeing the towering figure behind Charlotte made them dispel all

thoughts. Frank also walked in, “Miss Clinton…” Upon seeing Charlotte’s unfamiliar gaze, Frank paused slightly. “Who is he?” Charlotte looked at Joe for help. Before Joe could speak, Frank voluntarily introduced himself, “I am your special assistant. If there’s anything you need, you can ask me to handle it.” Charlotte nodded, “Alright, thank you.” She looked at the documents Frank had brought as if reviewing them had already become muscle memory. With just one look, Charlotte was able to discern the advantages and disadvantages of these plans and unconsciously

analyzed a few sentences. It wasn’t until she noticed that the two men in the office had both stopped and were staring at her that she subconsciously asked, “What are you staring at me for?” “Nothing,” Joe quickly told Charlotte, “Your unconscious analysis just now was very insightful; I think these tasks should be no problem for you.” Only then did Charlotte realize that she had been rattling off words nonstop, surprisingly so smoothly. On the way back, Charlotte sat in the driver’s seat of the fire truck, looking through the incredibly wide window at the bustling world outside, and immediately felt it was very poetic.

After visiting the company, Joe asked her if she was willing to return to the

office, but Charlotte refused him. “Even though I analyzed the data just now, that doesn’t mean I can handle the job. To not cause trouble for everyone, I’d better wait,” she said. Seeing Charlotte say this, Joe didn’t press her further but suddenly suggested, “Do you want to come and see the company with me?” “What?” Charlotte looked at Joe, somewhat surprised. Joe curled his lips, “You know, my office still has your desk. If you’re willing, you can also work at my company.” Although Charlotte had no plans to return to work for the time being, she became somewhat curious about Joe’s proposal. She also wanted to know how Joe usually worked. So she nodded, “Sure.” Joe had only mentioned it casually and hadn’t thought Charlotte would agree.

Hearing her sudden affirmation, he was stunned, “Did you just… agree?” Charlotte nodded, “Weren’t you inviting me?”

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