Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

Chapter 768 An Unexpected Visitor “Is it inconvenient for you?” Charlotte suddenly thought that maybe Joe just mentioned it casually, and she was the only one who took it seriously. Joe quickly shook his head and said, “If you’re willing, that’s best. I just thought you would refuse…” Thinking about how distant Charlotte had been recently, Joe felt a rush of complicated emotions. Charlotte also guessed what he was thinking. She turned to look at him but then thought of Joe’s previous requests and was momentarily at a loss for what to say. Joe slightly lowered his eyes to hide his disappointment, and said with a slight smile to Charlotte, “Since you’ve agreed, you can’t back out.” The originally awkward atmosphere became lively again.

They then went to Joe’s company. Before they even took the elevator up, Jack hurriedly brought over a bouquet of flowers. Ninety-nine vibrant Bulgarian roses. A single glance was enough to elevate

anyone’s mood. Jack let out a sigh of relief when he saw Charlotte and explained, “Mandy instructed me to give these to you. It was her oversight that led to you being taken away…” The injuries this time were not as severe as the gunshot wound. Mandy had completed surgery quickly and was now recuperating at home. Mandy originally wanted to visit Charlotte. However, Joe had told Mandy about Charlotte’s amnesia and advised her to stay away for now so as not to upset Charlotte. So Mandy had to give it up.

Charlotte had heard about Mandy from Joe and asked Jack with concern, “How is her recovery?” “It’s much better! Thank you!” Jack nodded and thanked her. He led Charlotte and Joe up. Along the way, they encountered many employees, all of whom looked surprised when they saw Charlotte. “Am I famous at your company?” Charlotte couldn’t help but ask. She knew Joe was the chairman of Smith Group but didn’t expect that many people in the company seemed quite familiar with her. “You are Mrs. Smith; of course, they treat you differently,” Joe said in a deep voice.

The two engaged in back-and-forth conversation, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than before. Entering Joe’s office, Charlotte noticed another small desk. As Joe had mentioned, it was for her to use.

Looking at the desk, she felt a faint sense of familiarity, but when she tried to recall it, she was only left with a splitting headache and couldn’t remember anything. Seeing the pained expression on her face, Joe immediately walked over and gently supported her, “What’s wrong? Is your head hurting again?” Charlotte nodded helplessly, “I just…” “No need to explain,” Joe said, lifting Charlotte sideways and gently setting her down on the sofa, “Just rest here; I’ve got everything else covered.” Soon, Jack brought some snacks, fruits, and coffee, and reminded Joe, “You have a meeting this morning; I’m afraid…” “It’s okay. I can stay here by myself,” Charlotte gave Joe a faint smile, “I’ve only lost my memory, I still have basic common sense.”

Joe reluctantly left the office. Not long after he left, the office door was suddenly knocked open, and Martha walked in. Seeing Charlotte there, Martha was also somewhat surprised.

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