Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

Chapter 769 Perfume and Memories Remembering the day Joe took Charlotte away, bank staff quickly came to seal the place. Martha had no choice but to temporarily live in the Pitman family’s villa. It happened that Hope had gone abroad for business these few days. Martha thought of getting in touch with Joe, hoping he could forgive her. She did not expect to run into Charlotte here. “Joe has gone to a meeting; you can wait here,” Charlotte softly told Martha. Martha discreetly took out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it on herself. “This smells nice! I like it! Would you like to try it?” Martha enthusiastically offered the perfume to Charlotte but was refused.

“I’m sorry, I…” Charlotte took a careful sniff of the air. While she initially did not like the scent,

she suddenly found it very pleasant. Martha gestured towards her, “Would you like to sit on the sofa? We haven’t talked since we last met. How are you doing?” “I’m fine.” Charlotte suddenly felt that Martha had become very kind and friendly as if someone you were once very close to started caring about you. She felt no displeasure. Seeing her slightly dazed eyes, Martha’s smile deepened, “That’s good. You and Joe…” “We’re just friends for now,” Charlotte told Martha truthfully, unaware that Martha’s smile had deepened. “Being reunited with Joe should be a joyous occasion, but unfortunately,

you’ve lost your memory,” Martha sighed softly, “It’s not ideal for you two to be without the guidance of elders. How about I help you out?” Charlotte was surprised by the sudden request. Though she felt uncomfortable deep down, she agreed, “Of course, I’ll talk to Joe.” Charlotte furrowed her brow slightly, feeling as if she had become two people. One was very disgusted with Martha and did not want to get close to her. The other felt she was gentle and kind, a trustworthy elder. These two emotions kept pulling at her mind, causing a throbbing pain. “What’s wrong?” Martha raised an eyebrow, noticing Charlotte’s pale face. She moved closer to support her, and the perfume scent intensified.

This alleviated some of Charlotte’s discomfort. “I’m fine,” Charlotte shook her head, “It’s probably just after-effects from the memory loss.” “You really should have an elder to look after you,” Martha said softly. Charlotte nodded mechanically. “What are you two talking about?” Joe suddenly walked in from outside, his wary eyes darting between Charlotte and Martha. Seeing Joe, Martha immediately stood up smiling, “I’ve recently recovered quite a bit of my memory, so I thought I’d come to see you…” She tried to take Joe’s hand with a smile, but he skillfully avoided her. Joe quickly walked over to Charlotte, “Is your head hurting again?” Feeling ignored, Martha’s face stiffened, and then she said, “You two still need an elder to look after you; how about I…” “No need.”

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