Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 770

Chapter 770

Chapter 770

hapter 770 Turmoil Within Martha’s eyes immediately reddened, “Are you still blaming me for not being there for you all these years? I…” She looked into Joe’s eyes earnestly, “If I had recovered my memory earlier, I would’ve come back to you right away. What mother doesn’t love her own child?” Her tone was sincere, sure to move anyone unaware of the situation. But how could Joe allow her to get close to Ben and Anna when he still has doubts about her and Hope? He spoke with a slight frown on his face, “We are planning to move soon, and Grandpa will be living with us. Can you be assured?”

Martha was choked for a moment. Even if she acted like a mother in front of Joe, she still couldn’t compare to Sir Smith. Martha stopped her sobbing awkwardly, “You guys are living so well here; why do you suddenly want to move?”

“Our marital house is at the manor on Andrew Road; I think moving there might help her remember more,” Joe said lightly. “A manor?” Martha widened her eyes slightly but quickly masked her composure. If Joe had not been watching her expression closely, he might not have noticed it at all. Is Martha short of money? Joe lowered his eyes, concealing his deep thoughts, “It was personally designed by Charlotte; it’s very meaningful to both of us.”

He didn’t intend to say more to Martha and casually changed the subject. He thought Martha would give up, but she had the driver bring in some toys, “I brought some toys for the children. Where are they?” Martha looked around but didn’t see Ben and Anna. “Grandpa and Old Mr. Clinton took them abroad to attend an auction; they won’t be home for a few days,” Joe said indifferently. Knowing that Martha had ulterior motives, he naturally wouldn’t give her a chance to get close to the children. Martha was clearly very disappointed and left the villa after forcing a few more words.

The perfume in the air faded a lot, and Charlotte finally came back to her senses, only to find that Martha had already left. “Are you okay?” Joe looked at Charlotte with a frown, feeling that her expression was not quite right. Charlotte opened her mouth but didn’t know how to describe her emotions to Joe. She felt like she was wrapped in a plastic bag, aware of everything around her but always feeling distant. “I’m fine.”

Charlotte hesitated for a long time but finally decided to keep quiet. Joe stared at her for a moment, and then suddenly took her hand. Charlotte instinctively wanted to dodge, but thinking of Joe’s identity, she forced herself to accept his presence. At this moment, Joe let go of her hand. Joe looked into her eyes and said, “You didn’t like it when I suddenly took your hand, did you?” Charlotte looked at Joe helplessly. “I know you don’t feel secure right now, but you don’t have to go against your own feelings to accommodate me, even…” Joe looked intently into Charlotte’s eyes, “Your happiness is most important to me; do you understand?”

Charlotte did not expect Joe to say such words to her. She should have been moved, but it was as if a piece of her emotions was missing, and she couldn’t feel that way. She lowered her head and apologized to Joe, “I’m sorry…” Joe didn’t expect her to apologize for what he said.

He sighed deeply, “You don’t have to say sorry to me; you haven’t wronged anyone.” Looking into Charlotte’s eyes, Joe felt a surge of irritation and walked out

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