Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 771

Chapter 771

Chapter 771

Chapter 771 Unavoidable Reality Arriving on the balcony, he irritably lit a cigarette but didn’t smoke it, instead holding it between his fingers. The milky white smoke rose and dissipated in the air. For the first time since finding Charlotte, he began to wonder, if Charlotte could never remember the past, what would become of them? After an unknown amount of time, footsteps sounded behind him. Joe turned around and saw Charlotte with a solemn expression. Before he could speak, Charlotte said, “I think… I should move out.” “What?” Joe looked at her in astonishment, “If it’s about what I just said…”

Charlotte shook her head, “I just feel that you all expect me to regain my memory, but I… have disappointed you.” When everyone’s expectations weighed on her, Charlotte felt tremendous pressure. She wanted to be the Charlotte from before, but no matter how

hard she tried to recall, her past was still blank. This made her very discouraged. Joe suddenly realized that not only did they suffer these days, but Charlotte was also suffering. Even more so than they were. What she had to face was a group of complete strangers, a blank memory, and… the expectations of everyone. Joe looked into Charlotte’s eyes and said apologetically, “I’m sorry; I didn’t consider your feelings.” Charlotte shook her head, “It’s not your fault… I…”

Before she could finish, Joe stepped forward and hugged her. Charlotte immediately stiffened, but the familiar scent of cedar on Joe relaxed her slightly. Soon, Joe let go of her. He looked into Charlotte’s eyes and spoke earnestly, “From today on, you just need to be yourself. If you lose your memory, learn again what you like. Even if you never recover your memory, it’s okay; we are all willing to create new memories with you.” Charlotte looked at him for a long time before nodding. The next morning, Ben and Anna sent Charlotte a video.

The two kids danced cutely in front of the camera, then looked at each other and said in unison to Charlotte, “Mom, I love you! Whether you remember us

or not, we love you very much.” The innocent smiles of the two kids made Charlotte smile involuntarily. Even though she couldn’t empathize with their emotions, their smiles were enough to be contagious. Joe looked at the smile on Charlotte’s face and the corners of his mouth also curled up. Just then, Sharon called. “I’ve looked into the financial issues you mentioned,” The sound of the wind and waves came from the other end of the phone, and it seemed that Sharon was at sea, “Hope has been struggling with the transformation for years. However, he has not only failed but also spent a lot of illicit money. Coupled with the strict surveillance by the police in recent years, they dare not act rashly.”

Without a source of income and losing a lot, it was easy to imagine how tight things were for them.

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