Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

Chapter 773 Discomfort and Resentment Smollett quickly explained, “These are all probability issues; you don’t have to worry too much.” “No matter what it costs, she must be cured,” Joe said solemnly. Smollett nodded, “Rest assured, since I promised, I will do my best.” His gaze swept around the living room, and he asked somewhat confusedly, “I don’t know where Mrs. Smith is now?” As soon as his voice fell, Charlotte came down from upstairs. Upon seeing Charlotte, Smollett lowered his eyes, hid his excitement, and gave her a strange but polite smile. “This is Dr. Twain,” Joe simply introduced, only to see Charlotte frown.

“What’s wrong?” Joe looked at her worriedly, but Charlotte’s gaze remained on Smollett. In her limited memory, she was certain that she had never seen Smollett

before, but the moment she saw him, she felt an immediate sense of discomfort and anger deep in her heart. These negative emotions almost immediately consumed her, making her feel very uncomfortable. Seeing her poor state, Smollett thought for a moment and finally said, “Rushing into treatment can indeed make many patients resistant. We can take it step by step and let her slowly accept me.” After speaking, his gaze fell on Charlotte. “Mrs. Smith, hello, I’m Dr. Twain, specifically here to help you with emotional issues. If you have any discomfort, you can tell me in advance,” Smollett said

politely and warmly, smiling and extending his hand toward Charlotte. A strong sense of discomfort made Charlotte subconsciously take a step back. Smollett seemed to be used to such scenes. He gently said to Charlotte, “You may not believe me, but you believe in your own choices.” He extended his hand to Charlotte again. This time, Charlotte hesitated for a long time but eventually backed away. Vincent didn’t expect that after all this fuss, they couldn’t even get basic medical treatment. He thought for a moment and comforted Charlotte, “Dr. Twain is really excellent. If you want to recover your memory as soon as possible…” “There’s no need to say more,” Joe interrupted Vincent. Since he had already promised not to bring up Charlotte’s memory issues, he must abide by it.

Just then, Smollett also walked up to Charlotte, showing a gentlemanly smile, “Is there anything you are not satisfied with me? If there is, I can correct it.” Charlotte frowned at Smollett in front of her and suddenly flashed the image of him being stabbed in her mind. “What’s wrong?” Seeing that Charlotte had been standing in place for a long time, Joe quickly interrupted her. Charlotte shook her head and glanced at Smollett, “Let’s stop for today.” This was the first time since she returned that Charlotte made a request. Smollett didn’t insist. He placed a business card in Charlotte’s hand, “If you feel any discomfort, you can call me through the number on this card, and I will definitely help you.” Joe looked at Smollett and said, “Thank you for today. Let’s continue

tomorrow.” Smollett nodded, gave Charlotte a meaningful look, and then left with Vincent

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