Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Chapter 774 The Challenge of Therapy After Smollett and Vincent left, Charlotte sat on the sofa, slightly lost in thought. Joe sat down beside her with a slightly furrowed brow, “If you don’t like Dr. Twain, we can switch to another psychologist.” With that, he took out a stack of information on psychologists. Yesterday, when Charlotte showed resistance to Smollett, Joe had personally compiled a list of the world’s most famous psychologists and selected the ones suitable for Charlotte. “All of these psychologists have been thoroughly investigated and are available at any time for your treatment,” Joe showed all the information to

Charlotte, “You can choose one that you like or have them all come to see you.” Looking at the detailed information, Charlotte felt a wave of complicated emotions. She felt that she should be moved at this moment, and indeed some

emotions were surging in her heart, but she couldn’t distinguish what those emotions were. Everything stayed at the point where she felt she should have those emotions. Charlotte lowered her eyes, concealing the indifference at the bottom of her eyes, “Let’s try again tomorrow. Maybe today I was just too nervous to see a psychologist.” Although she subconsciously resisted Smollett, she also had an impulse to further explore why she was so resistant to him alone.

Seeing that she wasn’t forcing herself, Joe finally breathed a sigh of relief, “Stop immediately if you feel any discomfort.” After reaching an agreement, the next day Smollett and Vincent came again as promised. Perhaps she was already mentally prepared, when Charlotte saw Smollett again, she looked much calmer. At least she didn’t have a strong urge to run away at the sight of him. Joe led them into an empty study, Charlotte sat beside him, looking down as if lost in thought. Smollett looked at Charlotte with interest for a while, “It seems that your mood is much better today.”

Charlotte, who was already mentally prepared, nodded at Smollett. Although her muscles tensed for a moment as he passed by, she did not retreat this time. Smollett looked deeply into Charlotte’s eyes and asked her a few seemingly random questions. Charlotte answered very cautiously.

Smollett frowned, put down his pen, and looked seriously at Charlotte, “Mrs. Smith, if you continue to be defensive against me, my treatment won’t be effective.” In psychological treatment, patients should be as honest as possible with their psychologists, and only mutual trust can achieve the desired treatment effect. But Charlotte’s answers were full of caution and wariness, let alone honesty, it’s as if every word she said took a detour. After pondering for a moment, Smollett suddenly turned to Vincent and Joe, “Perhaps it’s because there are too many people present. Would you two mind stepping out for a while?” “No,” Joe decisively refused Smollett’s request. Charlotte was already very

resistant to him. If only the two of them were left, her mood might become more intense. “If that’s the case, I’m afraid I can’t treat her. You might as well invite other experts instead,” Smollett was also straightforward. Knowing he wasn’t trusted, he simply stood up to leave. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

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