Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 791 Twists of Fate

Chapter 791 Twists of Fate

Chapter 791 Twists of Fate

Morgan glanced at her phone and felt regretful. If only she hadn’t introduced Smollett to Charlotte in the first place…

Unfortunately, there’s no turning back now.

And so, Morgan passed out.

Not far away, Smollett watched the scene unfold, a smirk forming on his lips. He had originally thought of maintaining a superficial peace with Morgan but never expected her to risk her life by secretly investigating him.

So he had no choice; only the dead can keep secrets forever. Seeing more and more people gathering around, Smollett quickly left the scene.

He immediately went to Martha’s house. Upon seeing him, Martha was both surprised and angry and immediately pulled him inside.

“Didn’t we agree never to contact each other in real life?” Martha angrily questioned

“I may have been exposed,” Smollett calmly told Martha, who widened her eyes in disbelief.

“Aren’t they very trusting of you? How could you suddenly be exposed?” Martha asked repeatedly.

Thinking of what Joe had told her before, Martha looked at Smollett skeptically, “Are you overthinking this?”

Smollett had no choice but to tell her what had just happened.

“You idiot!”

Martha glared at Smollett.

She never expected Smollett to take action against Morgan at this critical moment.

Now, even if Morgan didn’t find out about Smollett’s true identity, he probably couldn’t stay much longer.

“Since they haven’t suspected me yet, why not go for the kill?” Smollett narrowed his eyes, not concealing the murderous intent in them.

Martha hesitated for a moment, “You mean…”

“Strike first,” Smollett said calmly.

Although it wasn’t time to eliminate Charlotte yet, Martha thought about how she seemed to be getting out of control lately. If she died, they could place someone they truly trusted beside Joe.

Martha clenched her teeth, “Alright.”

That afternoon, Smollett showed up at the villa, explaining his sudden appearance like this, “Psychotherapy is a long and continuous process. Mrs.

Smith hasn’t had treatment in a while, and I worry it might affect her.”

News of Morgan’s car accident had not reached the Smith family, but Smollett’s sudden appearance made Joe vigilant.

Especially since Dorothy had warned not to let Charlotte be emotionally affected any further.

“She’s not feeling well right now, perhaps she can continue treatment in a few days,” Joe said evasively.

Smollett raised an eyebrow, “Mr. Smith, do you have a problem with me? If so, why don’t we just stop the therapy altogether?”

Smollett tried to force Joe to let him see Charlotte, but he was surprised when Joe readily agreed, “If Dr. Twain feels you’re not up to the task, then that’s fine.”

Smollett did not expect Joe to actually agree and furrowed his brows. Did Joe really discover something about him?

Smollett decided to back off, “Fine, let’s leave it at that.”

Smollett turned to leave, glancing back at the room where he used to conduct psychotherapy.

Do you guys really think you can get rid of me just like that? Not so easy.

Even if he had to die, he would make sure to take someone down with him.

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