Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 792 Crisis on the Horizon

Chapter 792 Crisis on the Horizon

Chapter 792 Crisis on the Horizon

For the next few days, Smollett did not appear again.

He even bought the plane ticket, seemingly planning to leave just like that.

“Are you planning to let him go?” Sharon questioned from the other end of the phone. Joe hesitated for a moment, “I will catch him before he leaves the country; we’ll see if he goes to see Hope.”

They didn’t capture any evidence of Charlotte being held in that villa, and they didn’t even know if she was ever locked up there.

Even if they go to find Hope and Martha, the other party can simply say that they only know Smollett, which would alert the enemy instead.

He might as well pit them against each other.

At that moment, Joe suddenly received a timed text message on his phone,

“Smollett is suspicious. Be careful.”

The person who sent the text was Morgan.

His brows furrowed, and he immediately called Morgan, only to find out that the call was answered by the hospital.

“Are you a family member of Morgan? She had a car accident and is currently in a coma…” The nurse on the phone informed Joe of Morgan’s condition.

Joe first informed Vincent of the news and then looked at the message on his phone with a furrowed brow.

What situation would make Morgan send him such a timed message, just to remind him?

Joe stared at the text and immediately contacted Jack, “Have someone follow Smollett; do not let him out of sight.”

Jack complied, but soon called back with a heavy tone, “Smollett is gone.”

Joe immediately realized and quickly turned to look at Mr. River, “Where is Charlotte?”

Seeing Joe’s worried expression, Mr. River hurriedly replied, “Ms. Lena said there was an exhibition in the city, so she invited Mrs. Smith to see it.”

Joe’s brow furrowed even more.

Mandy had recovered and was following Charlotte, so her safety should not be a concern. His biggest fear was that Smollett would do something special that would affect Charlotte.

“Mrs. Smith has no grudges against him, even if that guy Mr…. escaped, he may not necessarily go to find her.”

Seeing Joe’s brow furrowed tightly, Mr. River quickly tried to comfort him.

Joe shook his head, deciding to gamble on Smollett’s actions, “I’ll go find her now.”

After finding out Charlotte’s location, Joe immediately headed there with his men.

Inside the exhibition hall.

After hanging up Joe’s call, Charlotte frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Lena noticed her discomfort and looked at her with concern.

Charlotte shook her head, “It’s nothing; it’s just that Joe said he would come to find me later and told me not to leave for now.”

Lena paused and then laughed, “Your relationship has gotten much better since you reunited. If it weren’t for that damn amnesia…”

As soon as she spoke, Lena realized her mistake and looked apologetically at Charlotte, “I’m sorry, you’ll be cured of your amnesia.”

Charlotte just smiled, “It’s okay; I’ll try to remember.”

Mandy, who was nearby, also walked over, having received Joe’s warning, and looked around cautiously.

Seeing her so guarded, Charlotte whispered reassuringly, “He won’t necessarily target me…”

Before she could finish, a strong scent suddenly filled the air, and Charlotte’s face turned pale.

“What’s wrong?” Lena was the first to notice her discomfort and looked at her worriedly.

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