Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 793 The Effects of Mysterious Balloons

Chapter 793 The Effects of Mysterious Balloons

Chapter 793 The Effects of Mysterious Balloons

“What’s wrong? Why would you suddenly have a headache?” Lena urgently helped Charlotte to a sofa to rest.

Charlotte sat on the sofa, the scent around her not only didn’t dissipate, but it seemed to grow stronger.

“Can’t you smell this scent?” Charlotte asked through gritted teeth. Mandy and Lena exchanged a glance and nodded, “Isn’t it just a regular perfume smell?”

Realizing that they were not affected, Charlotte immediately understood that the smell only affected her.

At this point, she stopped hiding it and told them that the scent would give her a headache.

Mandy and Lena were shocked. How could a scent give someone a headache?

Mandy glanced at the central air conditioning vent above them, her brows furrowed tightly, “The scent seems to be coming from the central air conditioning.”

Charlotte’s face was becoming more and more pale and uncomfortable, so they decided to take her away, “Let’s go; we’ll talk elsewhere.”

Mandy helped Charlotte up and took her to the underground parking lot.

Away from the pungent smell, the color returned to Charlotte’s face, and she looked much better.

Mandy looked back reluctantly, “That bastard must be in there.”

The smell from the central air conditioning didn’t just appear out of nowhere, it was very likely that Smollett was inside the exhibition hall and had bribed the staff there.

But she had to stay by Charlotte’s side to protect her, so she couldn’t catch that person.

“It’s okay; we’ll catch him someday,” Lena’s face also darkened.

Charlotte had also regained her composure by this time and couldn’t help but be skeptical, recalling what Joe had said earlier.

Could the person in the exhibition hall be Smollett?

Just as she was lost in thought, two large red balloons suddenly rose on both sides of the car, covered in inexplicable symbols.

After the recent scent incident, Mandy and Lena had also become more vigilant.

“How could red balloons suddenly appear in the parking lot? Is this another trick by that person?” Lena stared at the red balloon, her lips pursed and her eyebrows furrowed.

Mandy thought for a moment, took a dagger from the car, and got out.

As soon as she got out of the car, she kicked a remote-control car, which had a string attached to the balloon. Clearly, it had transported the balloon here.

“Playing tricks,” Mandy muttered, and without any hesitation, stabbed the red balloon with the dagger in her hand.


The red balloon burst, with nothing strange inside.

Mandy sighed in relief and was about to go to the other balloon when a shrill scream suddenly erupted from the car behind her.

Startled, she immediately ran back to the car and saw Charlotte curled up, covering her ears as if she had seen something terrifying.

“What’s wrong?” Mandy asked hastily.

Lena, who was holding Charlotte, looked serious, “I don’t know. After you popped the balloon, she suddenly became like this.”

Both of them looked at the other balloon next to the car.

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