Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 794 Heartache and Waiting

Chapter 794 Heartache and Waiting

Chapter 794 Heartache and Waiting

Mandy looked at the balloon next to the car and hesitated, “What should we do with this balloon?”

Lena hesitated for a moment, “Let’s keep it for now.”

Nobody knew whether Charlotte’s abnormality was caused by this balloon. To be safe, it was better to keep it.

Mandy and Lena didn’t know what to do, looking at Charlotte curled up in the car.

Fortunately, Joe arrived soon. Seeing the situation in the car, his eyes flashed with concern.

He walked over and sat gently beside Charlotte.

“I’m here; don’t be afraid,” Joe whispered to Charlotte.

Charlotte hesitantly looked up at Joe through a small gap between her head and hand.

After hesitating for a moment, Joe took her gently into his arms.

The familiar scent of cedar quickly enveloped Charlotte, finally providing her with a sense of comfort amid her emotional turmoil.

Perhaps the emotional tension had been too much for her; having found a have at last, Charlotte soon fell asleep.

With a tender touch to her face, Joe picked her up and took her to his car.

Seeing the worried looks on Lena and Mandy, Joe explained, “Her condition isn’t good right now. I’m taking her to see a psychologist.”

Mandy and Lena nodded in understanding, and Mandy gritted her teeth, “I’ll go to find that bastard!”

If she hadn’t been careless, Charlotte wouldn’t have been this bad.

Joe disagreed, thinking that if Smollett had made such elaborate preparations at the exhibition hall, he must have been planning this for a long time.

Thinking about what he had done to Charlotte, Joe wanted to find him immediately and tear him to pieces.

“I’ll have Erik assist you,” said Joe briefly, before leaving with Charlotte.

To ensure Charlotte’s treatment, Joe had already booked several VIP rooms at the resort and had several psychologists staying there temporarily.

He hadn’t expected that it would come in handy now.

Rushing to the resort, Joe carried Charlotte to Dorothy’s room.

Upon opening the door, Dorothy frowned, “What happened to her?”

Joe told Dorothy what had happened in the exhibition hall.

Dorothy’s eyebrows tightened, concern filling her eyes, “If it’s true as you say, her condition is likely to be serious.”

Whoever it was had set up psychological cues, leaving this backdoor to trigger Charlotte’s emotional turmoil.

This caused her thoughts to become disordered and provided him with an opportunity to escape.

Dorothy waited for Charlotte to wake up before examining her to avoid upsetting her further.

At this moment, Charlotte was like a frightened bird, completely losing her ability to think independently. When she saw Dorothy, she instinctively hid behind Joe.

Joe didn’t know whether to be relieved that Charlotte’s first thought was of him or heartbroken at her frightened appearance.

“This is a doctor. I promise he won’t hurt you,” Joe said softly, patting her back, “I’ll be with you the whole time, okay?”

Fortunately, Charlotte seemed to understand Joe’s words. She stared at him for a while as if to ascertain whether he was lying.

Then she hesitated before nodding.

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